Red Scharlach

I wanted one of these so bad as a kid, and my parents wouldn't get it for me because they thought it was a stupid fad toy. Well, JOKE'S ON YOU MOM AND DAD. Puppy surprise is back and now I'm a 30-year-old with a salary and an unknown number of baby puppy-sized holes in my heart.

Cat will not abide cat-calling...or cat-calling related attempted murder.

Of course! Because that is wimmins work!!

It gives me great pleasure to report that my religious beliefs have a pantheon that is guaranteed by the manufacturer to be 100% Greggggg-free.

My wife and her mother, both long-time Giants' fans, threw things at the TV on that 3rd attempt. Luckily, I was able to use the cat as a TV shield.

#3 was the last truly excellent one, well worth your time.

Get some good screwing in and then cast aspersions that she might be barren and has failed the human race. Because you're an American and we don't take blame for shit. Clearly everything is someone else's fault.

But I would TRY, by God. The fate of the human race depends on me and my penis.

This is kind of insane... the way I'm reading the article, boiled down and perhaps overly simplified, the method of distribution of resources and representation appears to be the root of possible falls of these protocities. It sounds like the old left-right debate, which is just blowing my mind.

Miscarriages: totally a myth, like the giant squid, or a Clitoris.

"(a)nything more than that is unacceptable." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. K.

Start paying your players better than the Greek league. Just look at the income to average salary ratio.

Oh, he was full of shit. ;)

I have used the knee-to-groin successfully once (luckily I have only had one instance where I needed to), and it was obviously painful. I hope I don't have to use it again, but I will.

The other thing I'm not seeing people mention is that moves like that are meant to give the victim time to

Awesome. Thanks so much. VIBJJ looks great. And unlike some other places actually has women included in group pictures. A complete lack of women is a major red flag for me.

Horton Fears He's Through

Evolution in Kansas? Who'da thunk it?

I found this guy when I was looking for something else earlier; this seems like a good excuse to post it. Working dogs ftw!

Can I take you up on that offer, too? I'm looking into BJJ and am not totally sure how to gauge a good school from a bad one (though I do seem to have pretty strong instincts on the matter).

Plus most sexual assaulters rely on social pressure and implied force rather than outright physical force and most victims/survivors don't fight back because we have been conditioned not to (including, as the author stated, the constant refrain that fighting makes you less safe when statistics actually show the

Jay Z, on chronic biting: Notorious BIG is dead, so I didn't think anyone would care.