Red Scharlach

The dark side of arts and crafts.

That is what you dirty gays get for hanging around with racoons and squirrels and shit.

I credit Unibroue with introducing me to good beer. When I was a teenager it was cheap, strong, and not Colt 45. There are probably quite a few people in my generation who owe them a serious debt.

I wish I was a Quebec gutter drunk. I'm stuck being a British Columbia discerning drunk.

There are actually a couple of breeds of us, depending on what part of the country you're in. The Quebec ones are the most fun.

I'm not sure why TJs would want to hide that they had Unibroue making beer for them. You'd think they would have a giant banner advertising the fact on the front of every store.

The fact that it came in above being hit by a car leads me to question the validity of these lists.

Chiropractic ranking above anything shatters any hint of legitimacy this list could have had.

The least the Leafs can do is thank the fans for continuing to pay the highest average ticket price in the league to watch a team put out year after year of shitty hockey with no end in sight.

The leafs have been putting a shit product on the ice for a long time, and with no real impact on their bottom line.

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the Starship Troopers remake replaces the critique of fascism with mindless jingoism.

The Mount and Blade: Warband mod called A Clash of Kings is pretty good too.

Sounds good. When I train my dogs on stay I either stand next to the distraction/bait or have someone else there (I once tried it with a piece of meat on a pulley, didn't work). If the dog breaks the stay and goes for the food, there is no reward. If they hold it until I release them, they get it. It's an easy one to

Not just secretaries, they are in charge of cooking and cleaning as well.

You're right, but fuck you

I will answer the question before reading the article. Because Llamas are assholes.

I make both beer and cheese (and even beer washed cheese). If I send you some would you review them?

The vas deferens gods chortled.

Advantages in life and advantages in a given sport are not the same thing. Also, I'm willing to bet Baleke had it rougher as a kid.

You've got to train it in a way where if he goes for the food he doesn't end up getting it.