
I'm thinking to Fruit Ninja with Kinect and VR with this graphic...

WoW! Wouldn't it just be cheaper to film fruit falling though?

It looks great, but the video you posted is pre-rendered CCI. The tech demo is running in real-time, making it that much more impressive. The two aren't really comparable.

Now my head is throbbing.

Your penis length is a good physical trait to determine your penis length.

No it's just that Jalopnik contains the highest ST Jihadist per capita of any website besides their respective forums.

I think people are getting grumpy from the cold and snow.

its all the people that own focus st's, trying to justify why they aren't driving a 911 right now.

dude, you're being very un-dude...deep breaths, and repeat... Does it really matter :again :Does it really matter: and breathe out.

I wasnt sure if it was the Florida Keys or a Quay (boats and such) in Florida.

I've watched that on Netflix several times now. The effects are laughably bad, but the story's compelling enough to forgive them.

They imply that some kind of noodle dish is next.

For comparison, the diameter would take it half way between Jupiter & Saturn's orbit.

"Sigh.. statement, theory, same thing... literally, the same thing."

Me no good English.

Somebody has to fix the problem at its root.

The E1 never runs out of charge.

This is a door:

Never said you don't need both, but I generally hear diet has the edge. For optimal results, of course you need both, but if you're generally eating crappy and working out then I think you might be worse off health-wise than someone who has an exemplary diet but isn't very active. I'm no expert, just going off what