
Scientifically, it doesn’t matter if the stars are all about the same or not. The 3 body problem isn’t solvable regardless. A lot of people watching the show (based on what I’m seeing people say online) seem to find even the Netflix version confusing so it’s probably got enough science in it for a general audience.


I didn’t say his liquidity had anything to do with his net worth. My original statement was that he had less liquidity (by which I mean cash on hand) than most billionaires. I based this on multiple articles I’ve read that said so.

He sold a bunch of Tesla stock precisely because he doesn’t keep as much cash on hand

What do you base that on? He’s certainly worse off than he was before he bought Twitter, but he’s still worth nearly $200 billion.

haha. Touché.

He’s got a net worth over $200 billion currently. He is the least liquid billionaire I have ever heard of though.

My thoughts exactly. If the Vision Pro supported hot swapping, you could do it by just unplugging the cable from the unit itself. You don’t need a cable that is removable from the battery pack to support hot swapping. You need hardware designed to allow for hot swapping with at least a small internal battery in the

You forgot to mention the R1 chip. Custom chip for handling all the sensors / tracking cameras and the pass through video so the CPU / GPU don’t have to deal with any of that. That frees up a lot of overhead from the CPU and GPU.

Based on Google’s chart, for most of the tests Google is so close to GPT 4 that you wouldn’t notice the difference in everyday use. And for everyday reasoning tasks it’s 7.5% worse than GPT 4. The only area it’s significantly better in is Python code generation. Considering they still don’t have it available and

I’m not holding my breath on this. First of all, anti-trust laws seem to have lost their teeth in court. Just about every buy out that gets objected to on anti-trust grounds still goes through now. Secondly, I have a hard time believing the pricing claims on this when I can’t find prices better than Amazon even

Better than your argument. Oh wait, you didn’t present one. And if you think that that kind of history is being taught (particularly in the south where this guy is from), you must be delusional.

That’s not what I’m doing. What I’m doing is saying people are attacking a guy when they don’t even know what he’s guilty of. I specifically called him out for the threatening lyrics. We KNOW he wrote them. But the likelihood of him knowing the racial history of a building the production company picked out, especially

I never heard of this guy til this hit the news cycle, but I’m not a big country music fan either. I can name a few artists and even fewer songs in the genre. However, it’s very possible that this guy doesn’t know the history of the building where the video was shot. Maybe he does, but it’s also possible that someone

The first one is talking about a character in a movie who is appropriating native culture for financial benefit (in a made up story). The 2nd is the real world and has to do with how things worked in Hollywood back then. This story isn’t a critique on Hollywood’s shortcomings in portraying non-white characters. That

For the same reason I did. I’m used to this site not spoiling recently released movies in their articles without a big “Don’t keep reading if you don’t want to see spoilers” or something similar at the top. Guess I can’t read articles on this site about recent movies anymore.

The person you are replying to specifically said “cars as they are”. Also, I don’t think anyone is trying to make a fully autonomous vehicle that is also AGI or conscious. Maybe eventually vehicles will consider such situations, but they don’t currently.

Don’t forget how cute they are. That also comes into play. Subjectively cuter animals are more likely to be deemed worth protecting.

Yeah that’s worked out well so far. (Sarcasm, in case you didn’t realize it in print.)

100% agree. The original is the only movie I’ve ever seen that I felt the 3D was more than a gimmick. I have seen it in 2D and it’s fine, but in 3D in IMAX it was a spectacle.

I’m excited to see them all if they are any good. 

He’s an actor reading a script. Not to mention, it’s not like he would know any better if he was an average person. There are tons of articles about all these crypto millionaires and how crypto is the next big thing. It’s not like FTX was coming up with the idea that crypto is the future on their own. Everyone

When I say “no one”, I mean no one who believes that crypto is a good thing. (Which there are both high end investors and financial institutions that think it’s the future.) I’m saying that as an actor it’s not his job to know that stuff. He was working for what appeared to be a legit service. (With all the hype