
Your last point, ABSOLUTELY. I only saw a few 3D movies when they were plaguing theaters, and they all were headache-inducing barf-o-ramas, with the exception of Avatar. A lot of CGI FX in more modern movies has obviously caught up to- and even surpassed Avatar, but its execution of 3D remains peerless.

Is that so? I was only going by a passing reference to his recent health issues. No intention of rushing anywhere to see TG2. Last thing that comes to mind seeing him in was the Tenacious D RoP prequel video, but that was...ages ago.

To be fair, a person may change *what relationship* they have based on who they’re in a relationship, which is a bit different from their core personality. 

Yes - love the person you see - don’t love the person they MIGHT become if you nudge them... My wife took me as-I-was - and loved me completely for myself (as I do her) - funny enough we both grew - together - into better people because we each cared more about the other. But it only works if you love and accept your

Yeah. Telling people “No” has never worked (and often causes more interest in said thing instead...).

So far, he’s given 53.8 billion dollars to charity. I don’t get the need of people to jump on him, either.

This. Whatever he’s like personally, his foundation - which, Jesus, Jezebel, do some research before you casually dismiss the Gates Foundation - has done an incredible amount to transform living conditions in the developing world.

Is there really a need to shit on Bill Gates? I’ve seen enough of it from right wing sources and now this one too?

They obviously do not want to miss the EV wagon but I am wondering if this is just not too soon due to battery technology. Sure they are people buying these for weekend fun, but a lot of these buyers are also purchasing these vehicles for vacations in the Alpes or through Europe and there, the range will be an issue

well is it crash or emissions that keep most cars out???? i think its emissions for european vehicles.  with the switch to electric and no emissions we might be able to get the next electric alpine. 

that’s how it go. smaller boutique brands are more likely to follow powertrain trends because they are more likely to outsource that part of the vehicle.

We only get some Lotus’s.

I find that round one that has a moving tail but no head much creepier. 

You nailed it. It’s that overly-persistent Catholic Guilt [TM]. 

Not to be a downer, but tabloids have reported lately that he’s been having trouble remembering lines for a couple of years and worries he’s developing dementia. It could explain his perpetual grumpy attitude.

Not to throw politics into the mix, but I think it might be from the excess bile that the body brings up when listening to Trump speak.

Thank you for this. <3

I like and admire Musk and I wouldn’t dare try to defend this behavior. I hope he’s A) ashamed of himself B) learns some humility from this and C) pays the award in good faith.

Nickelback is part of a deep state conspiracy to harm Trump and get Hillary Clinton installed as president.

Lutz used that as a subtitle of one of the chapters of “Icons and Idiots”, IIRC