
Got any proof? Like, say, a newspaper from the future?

So, if I follow you, a quantum computer could get my fucking itunes to maintain a steady connection to the airport express in the back of my house? Cause that would be a monumental achievement.

Yeah I know what you mean, I cringe a lot too. I just feel the need to yell at Phil, moreso than most other shows. And I don’t buy the “everyone is in Phil’s head” theory either, but I’m honestly on the “he’s still up at the billboard” theory.

Agreed. Google Glass was too early and conspicuous, but primed the pump.

When this shit reaches Minority Report/Space Merchants levels, I hope by all that’s good and decent in life, that I’ll have smart glasses and earphones with built in ad blockers!

Malaysia Airlines didn’t do too well with a similarly designed interactive advertisement:

Whats even more cool to think about is that the actual actor is probably tired from actually doing all that in one take so probably not much acting going on in terms of the heavy breathing and so on

Personally, I think it’s a great stance for a father to take, though I’m probably influenced in that by my own ex-Catholic, semi-agnostic, semi-Buddhist father who did the same thing. :)

I’m told that many denominations actively discourage reading the Bible by the layperson, presumably so that they don’t accidentally develop their own opinions about anything written in it. (I’m not any variety of Christian myself and haven’t done the research, so I can’t swear that it’s true or know how many

I’m aghast that you believe that these people have actually read and absorbed anything about their primary religious text, instead of mindlessly parroting whatever came out that their religion’s leaders’ mouths last Sunday.

Everybody repeat 10 times: You can not calculate probabilities, based on a sample of one. Not for abiogenesis, not for the evolution of intelligence, not for anything.

So you had a C64 too?

You have every justification doubting the quality of the show because Syfy. Mark Stern ran the channel for 10 years and IMO ran it into the ground. However, Bill McGoldrick took over Syfy programming in 2013. He has stated emphatically that he wants to return Syfy to actual Sci Fi programming and move away from

Cripes man... Is it possible that your service provider maybe just gives vimeo traffic low priority?

Im not saying he’s really an alien...

Really? I'm in Australia and the video works perfectly on my connection, no buffering at all. My connection isn't even that good.

I agree. I think the word they may have been searching for was 'non-toxic.' For color runs and Holi celebrations, corn starch colored with food-grade dyes is used. I assume that's what was done here.

It looks as though he's being mortared by the Easter Bunny.

Real answer: it was a rip off of a design by Aleister Crowley, whom Hubbard was obsessed with back in the heady 50s.