
Last thing I saw that he was good in was Red 2 (2013). He’s pushed out a LOT of BS movies since then, many straight to streaming, and I keep watching them when I find them, and I’m always disappointed. I hope he either retires, or starts to put some effort in again. I’ve always been a fan but he’s just churning out

Best Buy alone sold way over 3,000 85" sets in 2020. I don’t know how many, but I know it’s way over that because there are 0ver 3000 reviews for such sets within the past 12 months with over 90% of the reviews from verified buyers. Seeing as most people don’t bother to review TVs after they buy them, that means they

Now playing

WOW Shadowlands is native already. The Mac Air can run it at 1080p at 50 to 60fps even in areas with a lot of players:

“AMD didn’t touch on what its ray tracing performance will look like, but it could very well rival what Nvidia has been able to do. “

With no data to back it up, I’d actually go the other way: I’d assume that AMD doesn’t do as well on ray tracing or they would have been touting it like they did all the other areas

Yeah I heard about that recently. Historically, colon cancer in someone his age is extremely rare, but it has been hitting younger and younger people in recent years and they don’t know why.

Amazed all the incredible work he did in the past 4 years while dealing with this. He was a real life superhero. Such a loss.

I was going to post the exact same thing and saw you beat me to it. It’s literally exactly 50% larger. 

I recently started working at a new company. The owner is a great guy, but he has problems with emails. Since I’m more organized than him, he asked me to start monitoring all these email accounts he has and only forward stuff that he actually needs to see. I jumped into one of his accounts to find over 60,000 unread

I’m sure that this is delicious, but the marinade that I think makes the most amazing grilled chicken has a lot more than 2 ingredients: soy sauce, vinegar, brown sugar, lemon grass, ginger, salt, pepper, onion, garlic, lemon juice (or preferably kalamansi...a small citrus fruit that is a little smaller than a key

I didn’t say no one else could, I said nothing currently available except the Taycan has more than one gear, which is true.

What output shaft? It’s electric. And the only electric vehicle with gearing is the new Porsche Taycan (which only has 2 gears). Everything else has only 1.

Ok boomer (driver)

Falcon E gets my vote. I’m interested to see in person. I think it looks good and the performance on the GT sounds great.

I wish they had given it a different name. But I can see why they chose Mustang. An electric Mustang SUV (3 words I never thought would be placed together in a sentence) with good styling and performance seems like a can’t lose proposition.

I think it would have been cool to name it the Ford Falcon E. Not many would

I think the Airwolf theme would be perfect for this. But, they were trying to make it look like an 80s Sitcom not an 80s action show. (I’m assuming they were going for Sitcom due to it’s more sitcom like episode length?)

80s action show makes a lot more sense though.

I’m not so sure. There are a lot of people who will turn out for anyone going up against Trump. But not everyone feels that way.

Reading this and the comments made me just realize that airlines are missing out on a way to make deplaning work better:

When they land they should instruct everyone to stay in their seats and that passengers with connecting flights may stand and get their overhead baggage and deplane first.

After that, it should just

He’s not married to a supermodel. He was married to a supermodel. His current (and 4th) wife worked for Morgan Stanley. She’s never been a model.

I love Billy Joel’s music and always have.

Gigantic? it’s 4.4" longer than a 911.

This is the coolest use of an FPGA I have ever seen. They make some awesome looking stuff. I hadn’t heard of these guys before. Going to keep an eye on them.

For that money, I’d rather have a brand new C8 with all the modern driver’s safety aids and technology, faster 0-60, and a factory warranty. The R8 is a very nice looking car with great performance for sure, but I’ll take the new hotness for the same money.