
At first glance, that price sounds reasonable for content from HBO, Cinemax and WB, until you realize that Disney Plus is only going to cost $7 a month for all the Disney, Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar, National Geographic and whatever they throw on there from Fox (so far we know The Simpsons) you want to watch.

I would agree with you on Mark Wahlberg if not for one thing: He was amazing in 6th Sense. It was a very small part, but I didn’t even recognize him when I first saw it.

He only seems like he isn’t a good actor because he decided he wanted to go after the big dollar action hero movie roles instead of anything deeper. 

Does that apply to all foods that currently have a “Best If Used By” date? I wouldn’t think that would be the case. I’m no expert, but I just figured there are foods that have a long shelf life, but could still go bad eventually.

I hate this idea. If I see Best If Used By, I have no idea after that how long the food item is still safe to eat. A better method would be to have Use By for perishable foods, then 2 dates on other items: Best If Used By, and Use By. This way, if I see I’m 6 months past the Best If Used By date, but 6 months ahead of

Same. I’m very interested to read them. But I’m not about to start until he finishes the damn things. If I were to read what’s available now, I’d forget half of it by the time he finishes the last 2 books.

That lack of perceived aggression in the design—and the improved portability versus a 2-inch thick laptop from companies like Alienware or MSI has made Razer laptops popular.

All that’s necessary for that is the right leadership and getting rid of any agents that don’t comply with the new direction. The FBI has been around for a long time but they aren’t the same agency now as they were decades ago. But honestly, it doesn’t matter to me HOW they improve the treatment of people trying to

Like the FBI doesn’t have enough on it’s hands. Even before ICE we had INS handling illegal immigration. There isn’t some magical reason that ICE sucks. It sucks because of the policies and procedures that are in place. Just change their directives and how they deal with the people they interact with and the problem

That’s because a lot of Republicans would prefer things to go back to the way they were with healthcare pre-Obamacare. They don’t like socialized medicine except in specific cases (Veterans and senior citizens).

I strongly believe we need socialized medicine that covers every American citizen (and also legal permanent

No, we had an INS (Immigration and Naturalization Services) that used to handle illegal immigration (among other things). That department no longer exists as forming ICE was a reorganization of our government in an attempt to make sure that immigration was better suited to dealing with possible terrorist threats.


So what is her proposal on how to do that? Her “abolish ICE” statement sure makes it sound like she wants open borders.

I saw a show some years back where they did a test with a number of women where they had these guys in a “line up” type situation behind a one-way mirror. They would bring groups of women a few at a time and ask them which guys they were attracted to.

I think it would make a lot more sense to keep Hulu separate (and offer a bundle to people who want it). Then they should put all the Fox properties that don’t fit with the Disney name on Hulu.

From what I have read about him, he’s a genius. An eccentric one with flaws no doubt, but a genius none the less. He doesn’t just say “hey engineers, I want X”, he reads all kinds of shit so he knows about the topic and then when he tells them to do it and they say it can’t be done (or can’t be done economically or

All of that is true...however, I still admire him because he goes after all these “crazy” things that other CEOs don’t. The dude takes huge risks. And I don’t think he is actually trying to pull one over on anyone...he just lets his emotions and passion get the best of him frequently.

As you rightly pointed out, Tesla

He was just being efficient.

I was 11 when Star Wars came out. I got goosebumps when the music kicked in right after Rey jumps over the tie fighter. My only big problem with Ep 8 was the way they handled Luke and Leia, but even so...I hope they don’t undo anything from that movie.

Of course we could use a phone. But long distance calls to the Philppines are not free. Calling cards are not cheap and the quality varies from horrible to “ok”. Facetime only works if they own iPhones. (They don’t.) Skype would work, but they all use FB messenger and already have it on their phones. My wife also

There are plenty of people that are using it as you say, but did you see my comment about how my wife uses it to keep in contact with her family in the Philippines? There are legitimate uses for FB...but a lot of FB sucks for sure. Your “mostly white people middle aged people” comment is simply not true. Everybody in

Thanks for the info. That’s really interesting. I didn’t know there were multiple ways it was handled.