
my wife uses it to keep in touch with her family back in the Philippines because it costs a fortune to call there. She can FB messenger with them to share photos, and do video calls too. Gonna mock that as well?

Look, it’s fine if you don’t like’s fine if you don’t use it. But for my family, it’s useful. (Even

Do you go out with friends in a group ever? Interaction is not always just between 2 people. That has nothing to do with treating people as if they are separate people. Seems like you are just trying to be argumentative for the sake of arguing.

I’m not a pilot, but I thought that when the ejection was triggered it blew the canopy? But the article said he went through the canopy. That seems like a design flaw to me. Also...I’m surprised he wasn’t injured seriously be smashing through the canopy.

You are sort of missing the point. Most of the people I went to school with 25 years ago live in a lot of different places and I live 2000 miles from where I went to school. I didn’t have any idea where those people were. FB made it so I could reconnect. Now that we located each other, could I communicate with them

Well, it’s worked out for Disney with Marvel (for the most part) so I think they were hoping they could pull it off with Star Wars too. I’m not sure why they weren’t able to get it to work as well...but I suspect that it has something to do with not having an equivalent to Kevin Feige steering the ship like they do at

Cool! So my friends that I grew up with on the other side of the country and the friends I made when I lived in the Philippines are right outside my door!?

This doesn’t scare me. If it was real I would think it’s cool. [shrug]

This was one of the 2 big Japanese shows I watched as a kid. (The other being Speed Racer.) I absolutely loved this show when I was 7 years old. I do remember though, even at 7 years old thinking...”why doesn’t he just use his power move right off the bat? He literally NEVER beats a monster til he uses that ray beam?!”

Male nipples.

Based on what? Not being snarky, I just haven’t heard anything. I was thinking next year since the PS5 and Xbox Whatever are supposed to be released by next year. But maybe Starfield will be instead?

She’s 82. My grandfather and great-grandmother made it to 92. Lot’s of people make it to their late 80s and the game will likely be out either next year or 2021. She looks pretty healthy. I bet she gets to see it.

Could be...with so little lift available, every ounce makes a difference.

It doesn’t sound like it based on this paragraph from the article:

I’m annoyed they aren’t going to put a video camera on it though. They clearly already have cameras engineered for Mars, so why not throw one on this bad boy? I’m amazed they can get enough lift on Mars for this thing to fly.

I honestly can’t understand why anyone is up in arms about this and I’m white. He’s right...there are plenty of movies about white people.

I was 32 when The Matrix came out. It absolutely blew my mind. I think I saw it 5 or 6 times in the theater, which I very, very rarely do. I can only think of one movie since that I have seen in the theaters multiple times. I saw it on opening night, and then after that I kept seeing it with different friends and

Human review would be impossible. Just to use one example...there are 300 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every MINUTE of every day. 432,000 hours of video per day. And as far as AI may get there some day, but right now it would be incredibly difficult to monitor. Easier with written language, but still

It’s not “intensive purposes”... unless you are talking about some very intense purposes? It’s for all intents and purposes. I’m not saying this to phrase shame you, just letting you know because this mistyped version seems to be popping up more and more and it is driving me nuts.

I enjoyed the movie. But I wish either the existence of the tethered was explained more fully or not at all. Considering how big a concept it is, I think going with no explanation would have been a better path. The little information we did get just made me more frustrated.

Sure he is. He loves to grab pussies. Def a cat person.