
Holy shit that sounds amazing.

Why do we hear over and over about these kinds of situations in the gaming industry? It seems it’s normal for game companies to expect their employees to work tons of unpaid OT (they are salaried) in crunch time and crunch time is frequently nearly all the time. Then they still go out of business. I get that it takes

I’ve seen it reported elsewhere that BMW is upping the HP in the US to 382 and giving a 4.4 seconds 0-60 on it now. 340HP is the European spec.

back in my day we had to walk up hill to school! Both ways!

Not for the newer people. Vitrification. Transitions directly from liquid to a smooth glass like state. And in any case, even with the billions of microscopic holes in people suspended without the cryoprotectants, it’s possible in the future they could repair all that at a microscopic level with medical nanobots.

No you are absolutely correct. No one knows if / when this will happen. I happen to believe it will, but I realize it may not work, or may only work later on with people who are “stored” using a different method. But I’m still going to be frozen. I’m 52 and I decided this was something I wanted to do when I was in my

I completely agree that there is a real risk of stagnation and social problems from non-aging. But there are a lot of good things about it too. Who wouldn’t want to keep a mind like Einstein’s around for example?

As I mentioned in one of my earlier replies, Alcor at least, mentioned in this article, uses cryoprotectants during freezing. You have the right idea, but it’s during freezing, not thawing that the damage normally happens. The water component in the blood turns into ice crystals that puncture cell membranes and spill

That could very well be. (the oops). But I’m still getting frozen because I’d rather be part of the experimental group than the control group in this case.

No proof of what I’m about to say, but there is a very good chance that much of the old person mentality you are worried about is related to the physiological changes that happen as a person ages. I believe a lot of people get that way as they age as a direct result of their physical bodies decay.

Your opening salvo of ROFL would tend to bring out sass.

Hey! I’d like to introduce you to the concept of “scientific progress”, maybe you’ve heard of it?

100 years ago if you were walking down the street and had a heart attack and your heart stopped you were done. Now you have a strong chance of being revived assuming you get medical treatment fast enough.

Well, not much I can say to that since you threw out a one liner with no details.

Very few people say all or even most cops are bad. The problem is that police should be held to a higher morel and ethical standard due to their position. But instead, all too often, police will help cover up and protect co-workers that they are aware are violating people’s rights or engaging in illegal activity. Even

We aren’t talking about LGBT people. Also, if someone is asexual (they have no sexual desire), but wish they did, they could potentially change that with testosterone injections. (If the problem is hormonal.)

So someone could be asexual and fine with it. Or they could be asexual and be very unhappy about it and seek

Most of the people being frozen are not rich. They are paying for this using a life insurance policy that was setup specifically for this. Many people spend more on Starbucks per week than it costs to get $150K of life insurance, so being rich isn’t a prerequisite to being frozen.

Also, it’s assumed that if this ever

I don’t think there is anything wrong with someone who is asexual (as long as they are happy with that situation), but I can’t help but feel pity for such a person the same way I feel pity for someone who doesn’t love food or music, art, or any of the many other things that people find meaningful.

From the article: Nichols was not so naive as to put his banana on Twitch sans protection. There was a language filter in place, but the GGX gang figured out how to trick it.

I know most of you are hating on it, but I think it looks great. Really like the back end also.

The OP was bringing up Destiny 2 saying that if Bioware doesn’t learn from Destiny 2's mistakes, they are screwed. Not because they had anything to do with it, but because Anthem appears to be a similar type of game.