
Rep. Rob Taylor (R) attended, but turned his back during the blessing. This, he believes, is what Jesus would have done. “Jesus would be in the chamber, from my perspective. He would passively protest,” he told reporters.

Did you read the article? Or are you trolling me...because that’s 2 things in the article that you are acting like you didn’t know.

Because that’s the Type R based on the current gen Civic. This is the next gen car. Europe might get it before we do, but they don’t have it yet.

Who the hell hates it? I have never seen anyone do anything but praise it design wise. It’s amazing.

You should have had that photo done with you under the new Civic. Matches your socks.

Holy crap I’m loving this. And does this paint job mean that Honda and Toyota have decided to give up their nearly decade long war over who can have the most boring colors for their entire car line up?

Maybe not a law...but certainly something that happens pretty regularly. And yet, I still get a kick out of it. I'm easily amused I guess.

Ah the irony.....

I'd rather have an Aorus X7 Pro. No optical drive, but I never need one anymore anyway. Much slimmer and lighter (.9" thick at thickest point and 6.6 lbs), comparable power with 2 GTX 970m's in SLI, and the name of the product isn't idiotic. (Seriously Asus...what the hell is with your product names?)

Regarding her current situation with her male friend...that's between them. If he is cool with going down on her and getting nothing but a "pat on the back" for it (which really sounds condescending by the way), then that's between them. If she doesn't like giving blow jobs, that's her choice. But here's the thing

I would suggest that the difference in those 2 cases (violence vs sexuality) is that in nearly every game, you are the hero and the people and monsters you kill are the "bad guys". True, some games allow you to kill innocent bystanders with no penalty and some people engage in that, but I'm not aware of any game where

Absolutely. No question about that. Art and media usually change our perceptions in more subtle and insidious ways though in my opinion. Nothing so obvious and direct as playing violent video games making people violent. People are not even desensitized by violence in games / media / art. They are desensitized to it

Actually you can have it both ways. I didn't say that art (video games or otherwise) doesn't have any effect on people. A movie or game can make you laugh, cry, feel outrage, pity, make you contemplative or evoke a wide range of other reactions to it. But there is a difference between being affected by something

Ok, I mistook you saying these kinds of things alarm you as condemnation rather than just commentary.

Yeah it's true that people with mental illnesses or a propensity to harm themselves might be negatively impacted by something like this. But I don't think that's reason to condemn it. Something can be disturbing and still worthwhile. Whether that "worth" is purely entertainment or to elicit an emotional response or

Except there is no evidence of that. People have said the same thing about violent video games but there has not been a single valid study that showed because people are shooting and killing in a video game they are more likely to do it in real life. Unless someone has a mental illness to begin with.

Well played. Gave me a smile and a chuckle.

Question: What should Jeremy Clarkson do next?

I believe he takes all his unkind impulses out on his characters and as a result, his readers. Just a theory.

I can't find the piece I read that said it would be released this year right now but this write up from January says that dev kit would be released in the spring and NASA would start using it in the summer:…