
I never said anything about hiding anything. In fact I specifically said I am very excited about VR and in NO WAY was I suggesting we shouldn't develop it. I'm not blaming substances or activities either. I only have ever said that some things cause a stronger addiction reaction in some people. And that I believe VR

I give up. You win. All activities or substances are equally addicting. It's useless to talk about certain activities or substances as being more likely to trigger addictive impulses in people who have addictive tendencies.

I don't need to educate myself. And you come across as presumptuous by saying I do. I'm done discussing this. You are just repeating the same thing over and over ad nauseam. You (again) act as if I am unaware that addiction comes from the person and continue to ignore the fact that some things are nearly never

So your position is ALL activities that humans do have an equal percentage of people who participate in that activity who become addicted to them?

I didn't blame VR (porn or otherwise) I said that it's more likely to bring about addictive behavior. Certain things are much more likely to bring about addictive behavior than others. You don't hear about a flood of plush toy addicts whose personal relationships are negatively affected by their addiction to stuffed

There are already people addicted to porn and to video games. I personally have known 1 person addicted to each of them. (Probably more, but 2 that I know of for sure.) One guy I know was so addicted to a computer game (an MMORPG) that he and his wife almost got a divorce because of it. All he cared about was playing

Well, you said though that you don't see any difference between normal porn and VR porn. I would suggest that more people could potentially be addicted to VR porn and VR games, than to regular porn and games. As realism and immersion improve, so too does the ability of our entertainment (regardless of genre) to "take

I dont see how a VR porn is different from any other porn. And I wont believe anyone here who says they dont watch porn. The fact that is a little but more interactive doesnt change much.

My personal favorite is the 3 shells bit from Blade Runner. Remember how Deckard didn't know how to use them? Haha. So funny.

I don't think VR (in it's present form) is much of a threat to real sex and intimacy with a real person. However, when we have robots that can pass as human in both form and personality, that is going to be crazy. I am absolutely convinced we will have that...though it might be decades from now. Even VR, when more

Well, I've played games sitting in a bedroom with headphones on. You can't hear if someone is at the door or calling then either. (Course one difference there is you could have your mobile next to you and see if someone calls.) Still, I'm old...pre-mobile days when all I had was a land line, I still played games with

One second, I was in a small, bland cubicle room with a Valve employee and his good friend, a shelf, and the next I was in a pristine white cyberscape that looked like something out of Assassin's Creed.

Pffff. There was a 2nd shooter on the grassy knoll.

Well played. I was reading the article and I was Doug is funny but reading about this thing for a fucking year? Great job.

I'm going to go ahead and say it. I really like Nickelback. But PT Cruisers? Fuck that.

lol. First thing I thought when I saw this. I mean, doing it as a project just to show your skills sure....but this was a commercial for a company. It's hard to believe he could have been competitive price wise with someone doing it a more traditional way. Maybe he did it for a rate competitive (or even below)

Aware of all that. But the original poster may not have been. He (seemed) to be saying that doing photoreal in CGI isn't happening yet. It is (and has been) for quite some time, just not in real-time. As you pointed out, making things look real takes a lot more compute time, mostly due to lighting. Realistic lighting

Yeah I actually haven't seen that yet. I saw the commercial a few years ago and remembered it. When I went looking for the commercial, I saw a reference to this and was planning to go back and watch it later. Still my plan...can't watch it right this minute since it's 12 and a half minutes.

I know. But the person was acting like CGI (pre-rendered or not) isn't yet completely convincing. We will get there in real-time. Just need more power. (or breakthroughs in rendering techniques that lower the CPU / GPU needed to render more convincingly in real-time.