
But the OP was acting like photo-real CGI isn't here. It is. Just not quite in real-time yet. I'm well aware of the differences.

Completely agree...for real-time that's damned amazing.

yeah but no one specified real time...the OP said that we are getting closer and closer to not being able to detect CGI. There are lots of examples in films though that you can't tell. Doing in real-time is obviously much harder because the big thing that makes the render look more realistic is accurate light

Now playing

How about this? 100% CGI. Made several years ago:

Damn impressive for a first time project with UE4 though. Also...I love Scandinavian interior design.

You missed the people who will say all 911's look the same and their counterparts arguing that it's not so.

Wow. Freak out much? I didn't insult you Wendy whiner. All I said was it was weird how this post got so many people crying about comparing a 911 to a Focus when these articles are published all the time. Sheesh. Take a Prozac.

Thanks for the laugh. That totally needs to be a new meme. (or if it's already one I guess I missed out). I love the idea of calling someone a Jihadist intead of a fanboy / girl. And the best part is it's gender neutral! :)

hahahahahaha. :)

You realize statistically you have more chance of dying in a car accident than in a skydiving accident right? I'm talking odds here. Not just actual numbers because obviously a lot more people die in cars due to there being a lot more people using cars a lot more often. Here is a handy little quote for you:

This is so weird. You put these out like...what? Weekly? I have never seen multiple posters complaining about "comparing" cars this way on any of your other posts of this type. Maybe a flood of newbies? Good news for you! More readers.

This thing is awesome. I want one. NOW.

I can tolerate Mr. Bean, but I will always love Atkinson for Blackadder.

It's amazing that there were people around that explosion working and that no one was killed on the spot. That's a lot of energy. Damn. Hope the injured come out of this ok.

ok this wasn't a shop contest, but you should get a prize anyway. Nicely done.

But people do call it a refrigerator door. Where is the mustard? In the refrigerator. Open it up...look around...don't see it. "Where?"

Well crap. Ok...I take back my former definition and I'll fall back on "it just doesn't seem like a door to me".

But it's stupid. A door means people go through it. An opening you put stuff into isn't a door. May be an industry convention, but that doesn't mean it makes sense or I have to like it.

I love this car...especially the P85D, but I absolutely hate the nose. The overall shape is fine, it's just the execution I don't like. Shiny cheap looking black plastic. The car should either have a more traditional grill (though it's not needed for anything other than aesthetics) or it should just forgo that nose

Agreed. A door is something people go through. So unless you are getting in your fucking RS7 through the hatch, it's not a damn door. I want to find out who started the trend of calling a hatch a 5th door and smack them. Oddly, no one calls the back of an SUV a door and it's the same damn thing.