
I love flank steak. I actually marinate mine overnight in the frig though and it still turns out fucking amazing. Gives the ginger more time to flavor the meat. (I use oil, a small amount of vinegar, soy sauce, a fuck ton of garlic (that should be an actual unit if measure for garlic which is nearly impossible to use

Yeah menus too amiright? Pleeb.

I'll SEE your random capitalization and RAISE you an UNKNOWN Internet commenter with NO sources sited using EXCESSIVE punctuation!!!!!!(???)!!

Yeah people are like that. The same is true for anything people like. For example, I love I am surprised when someone says they don't love sushi. However, I don't freak out about it and recognize people have different tastes. The thing with tv shows / books / movies / comics / whatever is if you don't like

I'd still play it if it has a good story and play systems that work well. But yeah, small group / party co-op would be awesome. I don't get bored playing Elder Scrolls games single player games at all, but it would be great to see someone do what you are talking about.

In other news, people outside Japan like raman and sushi.

I have no intention of buying a dev kit. I'll buy the consumer version when it comes out. And I'm not asking you to concede anything about the immersiveness. The argument was that it's going to be supported by Valve. (Since, you know, Valve has stated publicly all over the place that they are.)

I can't seem to click this link...or copy it or anything. Weird.

What does that have to do with anything? He said he isn't delaying a game release based on VR shipping from somebody.He is clearly a big VR proponent and believes consumer VR gaming is going to be huge on PC. But obviously he isn't going to delay shipping a product to coincide with the release of OR or any other

Neither would I. See my other post.

Where to you get the idea Valve isn't focusing on VR at all? Are you kidding me? They have been doing extensive research into it for years and I have heard Gabe Newell praise the OR on multiple occasions. Don't believe me? Type in Gabe Newell on Oculus Rift into Google and every single result is about him trying to

Why would you expect native implementation on a product that isn't even released yet? Developers (including game engine developers) are working on wide FOV games and engines right now. If they buy into the idea that VR is gonna be huge (and it sure seems like most of the game companies do), then even if the first gen

Doubtful. I bet the 2nd consumer version will have wide FOV. Hell if Palmer has his way, I bet the 1st consumer version would have it. They already said many times that neither of the dev kits is the same as what the actual product will be. That the real thing when it comes out will be better than anything we've seen

I'm sure they are actively working on a wider FOV version. That's one of the things they have been limited by is availability of the kind of screens they want. Now that they have the kind of cash they need, they will be able to design and pay for the manufacture of wider aspect ratio, short persistence screens with

The getting sick after 30 minutes thing is one of the major limitations of the tech and one Oculus (and any other VR researchers) are well aware of. It's also something that they are actively working to fix. People who have tried the initial OR kit and the newest prototype report that the new one is significantly

True. VCs prefer shorter than longer investment return windows. But we don't know those details at this point. But founder Palmer Luckey was saying that this, and the ability to create some amazing content for Rift were the main reasons that they went with the Facebook offer. (Well, that plus Facebook saying they

Probably yes. They are saying to get the kinds of displays they really want / need instead of making do with whatever the mobile display industry could throw their way will cost $100's of millions. Now, they have the kind of money needed to get the engineering and manufacturing processes they really want in place

I was totally going to post "Bacon! That's a totally reasonable reason to go anywhere!" but I read through the comments and saw that a fellow bacon lover beat me to it. No surprise at all from a raptor. Birds of prey do loves them some meat.

If I go buy the launch product of a company and then they get bought out by a huge company I don't expect to get any money out of it. I have done kickstarters too and I don't expect to get money out of that either. It's a donation you give in the hope that a project you are interested in will see the light of day. The

For one thing, people don't walk around in public spaces using VR. People aren't comfortable with AR devices like Glass because they are afraid they are being recorded without their permission. That's not the only fear, but it's certainly one of the main ones.