
A lot of people thought it was funny. Are you familiar with the original? Antonio Banderas reacting to PS4? The humor comes from seeing a character who is serious and living in a fucked up reality reacting like Banderas did...I guess. I mean, I didn't quite get why either this or the original Antonio reaction got as

optical illusions are so cool. At first I only saw the bird of course, then I could see the model once I paid more attention (after reading the description). Then you can sort of "snap back and forth" between them after you are aware of both. I always thought that was the coolest thing about such illusions was the

I don't think it's a good idea to be teaching young children that they won't die because we don't know. I believe that aging and death will be stopped at some point, but no one know how long it will take. I'm 47, and I fully expect to have to be frozen to have a chance of reaching that unaging future. Although I am

That's cool...but since we have no idea if they are actually hitting a target (or whatever they are aiming at), I'm disappointed.

Empathy not really your thing I'm guessing?

It's well known that "just words" can cause emotional harm. Ask any psychologist or psychiatrist.

Actually I said I act the same online. Then I said I don't expect that people should have to act the same online just because I do, but that it was regrettable that for many people the way they act differently, is to be a dick. Also? This type of behavior online is far more common from men than from women. I wonder

I'm not saying that repressing people from being bigots makes them any less of a bigot.Nowhere did I indicate I believe that. There isn't any practical way to repress such behavior anyway. I was complaining that I wish people controlled their less savory impulses better themselves. I find it regrettable that there are

Even if what people are spewing isn't directed at me (or whoever) in particular, I just don't feel like listening to it. I would have to spend more time muting people than just playing. That's an exaggeration of course, but it would become tiresome. That's why I don't play much online multiplayer. I love games, but

That really, really sucks. I love playing games, but I rarely play online games because of (mostly) guys acting like idiots. I used to play some MMORPGs and I didn't run into jerks very much in the ones I played, but other types of games are rampant with badly behaving bros. (B cubed)

Are you really that self involved that you think that just because you believe it didn't bother or hurt you, it could only affect someone who needs psychological help and is "sick"? You realize that different people are affected (or not) by different things, right? I'm able to sky dive, some people cannot. I'm freaked

How about in real life? Just put on a headset so you don't have to listen? Of course not because people don't (generally) behave this way offline. If it's not acceptable in real life in public, then why should it be acceptable online in "public" (a shared space). Unless people are on, they shouldn't

So, if in real life, people were shouting this kind of thing in public, would you say people are just being sensitive and they should just ignore it?

That's weird. What resolution were you trying to play at? I played The Witcher all the way through on my now 2 year old laptop. And it's nothing special. Dedicated graphics but just mid-level (2 years ago). 8GB RAM, i5 2nd gen.

Take an Oculus Rift, (the higher res dev kit they have shown around or better), make this game running on a PC pumped up to max settings, tie it into that thing that lets you run and strafe and stuff and have what you are doing happen in the game (I forgot the name at the moment), then add surround sound (if the Rift

Muslim, Christian, and Jewish faiths all believe in the same the problems between various religions are even more mind boggling to me. There are a lot of differences between them yes, but still.

You can do amazing things with midi and digital sound samples of real instruments and even human voice samples. Check out this piece from SoundCloud. This was written by a 16 year old self taught aspiring composer...this guy is super talented. Check out his other music if you like this. He has a wide range of

Later they will introduce her husband, Hammily....what a wonderful family.

I get that. I mean....if I lost one of my kids young like that (I have 3 sons between 21 and 25 years of age), I would be devastated. And if they had died as a result of something because I had told them to come back home, I would have the same kind of reaction her father did of immense guilt. Logically I would know

Empathizing does not necessarily mean you have to have experienced the situation. It means you are imagining how you would feel if the situation occurred to you or someone you love. If you have experienced the same situation it of course makes empathizing easier, because you don't have to imagine how it feels; you