I would actually love to see more mixing of what's considered feminine in men's fashion. There's nothing like a high bun on a man. That shit's hot. And the suit with the skirt in MAN AW14 is a great pairing. Get men to wear heels, not just lifts (looking at you, Tom Cruise) and I think at least in appearances, we can…
What I think when I see this is what 30 something year old mother has the time to b-s in front of a mirror with their friend? I don't have children yet, but I am 30, and let me tell you, my friends and I don't sit there and say let's go take selfies in the bathroom for fun! Lame! Truly this woman's life makes me…
Touché. Well played. Though please remember that Colorado is one of the whitest states in the Union. And it does not have the slave state history of the southern US, or even the history of the east. It has the history of the west - a lot more recent, not as focused on black people - way more concerned about Native…
Think about the economic growth this triggered, the new netflix subscriptions, the pizzas ordered, the friends who overcharged for taco delivery. Really the downside only seems to be the annoying as hell conversations people had to have.
Yeah..... this representation is not going to convince any on the opposition
I saw Martin Scorsese's The Wolf of Wall Street this week and my biggest takeaway? The film based on Jordan…
You won't get the corner office, but you CAN pick what color your iPhone will be! PROGRESS.
That is awesome, thanks for sharing. I'm one of those people that takes a great picture but looks completely different in comparison to actually living (or, say talking on camera)... it sucks. hahah
He spent plenty of time here in NH, at his lakeside mansion - where Massachusetts State Troopers were his security detail, shooing people off "his" part of the lake. A lot of people felt that they had no jurisdiction in NH - and his neighbors were pissed.
I think there is a difference in the people who evolve with time over many years and the people who believe things in the primary and change position in the general election.
Sorry, Mitt - when you change your position because you want to be Mr. Tea Party Tough Guy - you don't get to whine about being seen as a flip flopper.
This pretty much confirms my belief that Mitt Romney is a robot.
Okay, but literally every style of boots on their website is "out of stock." I don't understand — how do you have a successful company if you have ZERO boots of any size, sort, or style in stock in December????
You should consider hormone-free IUDs first. I had the worst reactions with every kind of hormone-based contraception and finally gave up for the IUD route. I have never been happier. The copper IUD is the only thing that worked for me.