There is almost no condom use in porn. Hence the problem.
There is almost no condom use in porn. Hence the problem.
I have a kitty who eeks like this. His name is 2%. He is white with black spots and looks like a dairy cow. While I was writing this, he was licking my forearm.
Yes! I am more apt to feel "assaulted" by Axe body spray or Jean Nate (shudder!) than I am with natural body odors, mostly because synthetic fragrances last longer and give me migraines. But I have been known to take it personally when people who know I can't handle it come around reeking of perfume and insisting that…
There are worse ways to handle it. She could have sent a note home to the whole class saying that Jasper and Isabella stink and we all need to lean on their parents to get them to be more hygienic. Another option would be to talk really loud to someone else about how SOME people need to keep their kids cleaner while…
college age kids are the WORST. In my hippy-dippy town, we have a hippy-dippy state college where - seriously - some of the students would come into the bank and I could smell them from 50 feet away. not just of pot, but of rank body odor.
I recently had to deal with this situation, but the offender was a college aged man who volunteers as a tutor at my after school program. (I will confess that I am hypersensitive to smells and resigned to mouth breathing when overwhelmed with odors that no one else seems to notice.) I managed to ignore it for about a…
If you don't like dealing with dirty children here's a tip: don't get a job teaching pre-k. Little kids can be grubby and messy. Suck it up and teach them the importance of hand washing and how to properly remove snot from their noses. No matter what they are kids and they will get dirty. As for stained clothing,…
First grade teacher here. This is an issue, but she did not handle it appropriately. Part of the problem is that teachers are often standing closer to a child than you would stand to someone in other situations (leaning over to look at their work, or talk quietly to them, or leaning in to hear them because they…
My boss told me a horror story about her youngest, who was still in primary school at the time, and how his entire class was dealing with an outbreak of that modern scourge, head lice. Notes went home with the kids, treatments were recommended and carried out, except for one greatly to be pitied child, whose parents…
I saw Helena Christensen in person in Copenhagen around 10 years ago. She was extremely beautiful in person, too, and I agree that she looks amazing still.
I think what offended me was that he wasn't trying to "get it" for his own merit, but because other people "got it" and liked it. I can't wrap my head around it.
I think you mean they're not doing it for comfort. Which is maybe what you would do. Trust that they may have different motivations.
I looked at this picture and wanted to praise a god, any old god, for letting us see a hot Hollywood actress with strong legs.
I did it right before she did (trendsetter? I pretend...) It's so liberation. Keys: pay for a good cut, expect to cut every 5-6 weeks & don't over wash! Sometimes a little dirt and grime is what makes it look fab.
Regardless of how short he actually is, he wouldn't look so short if he slimmed his trousers and shortened his jacket sleeves.