It wasn't REALLY a "didn't take his mic off" moment. He said it humorously before an interview started, and then joked that he hoped it wasn't being recorded.
It wasn't REALLY a "didn't take his mic off" moment. He said it humorously before an interview started, and then joked that he hoped it wasn't being recorded.
I know they are part of the industry, but wouldn't it be challenging to be an established entertainment professional and see someone you respect and care about slowly go to the dark side? I don't think it's OK to do it on national TV, but you would wish that SOMEONE/ANYONE could be the voice of reason…
I loved Brittany Murphy, but her last few years were all over the place. She dropped a lot of weight and seemed really scattered…almost like she was using a lot of different medications and/or illegal drugs.
I definitely use questions, but some respond better to this than others... if you're getting one or two word replies to the questions, then you may come off as an interrogator.
This is really good advice. However, I run into the situation occasionally where the "conversee" can get overwhelmed because they feel like they're being interrogated. So, my advice, gauge how the other person is responding and throttle questions accordingly. Just remember, to most people the most interesting topic is…
" someone who's easily drained in large groups, I find that I'm happier listening to the stories that other people tell than I am talking about myself...."
I used to think people would use "don't get" in relation to like, Merzbow. Or Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music. Or early Sonic Youth. TV on the Radio? Nah.
And it is not a particularly hermetic album, either. It is not like your average Arcade Fire type listener can't get it.
Lalalalalala — CAN'T HEAR YOU!!! I've got my fingers in my ears and I don't wanna know! By all that is good and holy, Alan Alda cannot be a scumbag. I have creepdar and he's never set it off. He just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy — like I'm melting into a golden sunset with a lovable shaggy-haired guy wearing a…
I remember watching an interview with Alda back during the MASH heyday. He took pains to point out that he was not a womanizer like Hawkeye Pierce. I'm paraphrasing, but he that the character's somewhat sleazy attitude toward women reflected typical attitudes of the 1950s, during which the show was set, and did not…
You have no idea how happy I am to hear that I am not the only person who is still in love with Alan Alda.
Excuse me now, but I think I'm going to go bust out a bottle of wine and my old M*A*S*H DVDs and have a nice night to myself.
When I knew I hated Adam Levine: a couple years ago, Rolling Stone did a profile on him. They asked what his album of the moment was and he said something to the effect of "TV on the Radio - Return to Cookie Mountain. I don't really get it, but everyone else says it's really brilliant, so I'm trying to."
Is he really? Details?
You had me at the title. Just preaching to the choir with all of those other quotes.
"Apart from Alan Alda and Beyoncé, there's probably not a single person on this planet who we can all agree is sexy."
"... a.k.a the human equivalent of testing positive for chlamydia."
I like that she is both ironically doing the "revenge dress," and actually doing the revenge dress.