
“Poverty porn” is exactly what this is and Alana and the other children have been othered in so many ways by TV. I feel sick about what we’re seeing here. Obviously, June is troubled. She could be addicted to something, including food, be a codependent, and must have been mistreated in some way (neglected maybe,

Yes, too little too late.

Ha, I totally came here to snark on Penn, too, but having seen that Theron might have also dated McFarlane, I agree wholeheartedly!

It’s so refreshing to see this.

I didn’t know about Blanchett but what’s her name from Will and Grace (Debra Messing) also named her son after Polanski and she openly criticized Michael Moore at the 03 Academy Awards for his criticism of the Bush administration. The Bush administration!!!! She is the quintessential cliche of the Hollywood idiot who

Right? Let the producers/ computer break, don’t cut off someone who has an opposing viewpoint, editorialize with your fake breathless gravitas and then go to break! Megyn, please! Maybe the fools watching Fox were willing to eat this, but your manipulations are utterly transparent in the larger pond.

I have similar parents though they split and both remarried and tortured their second spouses but both are dying, have died just as you describe, as increasingly bitter and disappointed in a world that didn’t recognize them for their greatness. It was a sad but potent lesson. And I greatly understand your relief.

Far too true. Also, sorry for your experience.

Right? Also, while being rich and white and pregnant at 20 may not be tragic, it sure seems indicative of a larger issue? Unplanned pregnancy isn’t typically a problem of privilege. (Though it could be for that kid ...)

I couldn’t agree more. Some of the cases are definitely cringeworthy, but so is human nature. The fact is women still bear the brunt of far too much exploitive behavior from men / partners within personal relationships. Men know women will put up with more crap but attorneys with experience know that these women

I wasn’t aware of that, or didn’t pay much attention, except for probably watching a Dateline / 20/20/ that- kind- of- show promoting her book, but I’d be willing to believe it was spun as “ voice of Laci” which I agree is low, so I’m with you there. I thought you meant Frey did something wrong but I admired how

How was “the Peterson case” a low? Amber Frey didn’t know the man she was dating was married, then that he had murdered his pregnant wife. When she learned of it she talked to the cops and got legal advice before going public. Had Frey not done those tapped phone calls with Peterson and hadn’t come forward with her

I feel exactly the same. I generally stay way from mainstream news (salt in wound!) and have had to stay far away from Facebook, which was something I started doing about a month before the election last fall as everyone was losing their minds. The pussy- grabbing just caused me to lose it. I have extended family on

OMG, ever since it became clear Trump was in it to win it in ‘16 my PTSD from an abusive childhood has been triggered too! (Both my parents are textbook narcissists whose second spouses were both mentally ill. No joke.) The excuses, the obfuscation, then the blatant lies, the manipulation, it’s been a gigantic,

Yes, this. It isn’t shocking that a highly ambitious and successful entertainer, especially in comedy, has cheated but he could take control of this by owning up and admitting he made a mistake. His comedy is all about being human and how that’s funny and poignant.

Yes, as much as I loathe the fact that any of this happened, “this” wouldn’t have happened had he been a grown ass man and just been a prick in some other less nationally destructive way.

Some medication causes this, in my case Wellbutrin and Zoloft did (I’d rather be sweaty than how I was pre-antidepressants though!). At the highest doses I had perspiration on my upper lip and my back was always wet just after mild exertion. In addition to medication, thyroid problems do this, too. (Also me.)

Omg, thank you! I wasn’t really interested in the rest of the advice being offered after I read that! The person who wrote seems isolated ( I speak from experience, I had a situation like this in my early 20s) and is realizing, probably as they’re recovering from some funk, that this guy is a lot more off than they

Too true. Without any of the stories linking the Trumps to Gucci, the label is already synonymous with bad taste and nouveau riche style (and antics).

So, I would have sympathy for a teenage girl or one under 23 or so from a sheltered/ conservative background. I didn’t come from one myself but I knew girls who did and boys treated them badly and they were left all alone. This wasn’t really her situation though, it seems she wanted a baby? I don’t know exactly what