
“I hope she’s had a conversation with Aziz about how to stop being a predatory date, but is it really her place to be asked about this in public?”

The fucker mocked a suicide victim.

I really want it to be more ok for people to discuss their salaries. People are so money-squeemish. Having it instilled in us that talking about pay is uncouth has only hurt us. But keeping pay secret only helps employers, for the rest of us it’s powerful information.

I’ve never seen actual footage of these people so my experience is exclusively limited to what I’ve read about them here, but I’m yet to encounter any anecdote that hasn’t resulted in me internally screaming “WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE AUTHORITIES? CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES? ANYONE? BUELLER?”

If you haven’t reached your quota of “fuck everything, I want a divorce from society” reading material for the day, look up Lostprophets.

It’s as bad and worse than you can ever imagine. Most of them died very young and kids used to work the lowest-paid, most dangerous jobs. Child labor laws are also only around 100 years old.

What’s even more crazy is that television executives are funding this shitshow. Poverty porn is disgusting any which way you look at it, but people still watch it and where there’s rating there’s money to be made. The molestation element here takes it to a new and frankly terrifying low. Also, how the fuck have CPS

I’ve wondered that myself. There are women who get off on watching guys molesting children. Which makes them pedos themselves. How the hell has social services not taken her kids away by now for endangerment?

This whole show is a molestation apocalypse. Her boyfriend, then the father of 2 of her kids, then the ex-husband of her other child’s father’s wife. Are there any men even remotely connected to this family and show who are not touching children?

Any parent who continues a relationship with the person who molested one of their children should have all of their children removed from their care. How horrific. That man is most likely touching her other children, as well as whatever kids he can get his hands on. Molesters don’t just do it once, to one child. This

And yet this dude can go on for fucking hours about his “Dad Bod”, a thing some douche came up with to explain why most men in Hollywood can be overweight while women would get run out of town for looking like that.

The orchestra only plays when they are signalled. If the producers think the person makeing the speech is saying something “important” (i.e. Kidman talking about inequality and abuse, or McDormand speaking of serious things, etc.), they tend to give them time. If a person is just making a self-serving speech thanking

Not remotely, but nice projecting! Thanks for the laugh, you inspid, caustic little moron.

I don’t even want a relationship, so I figured that should make it way easier! For me, it just seems that the pretty uncontrollable, physical/chemical aspect of attraction doesn’t crop up often. I have no idea why, and I have a fairly high sex drive to go with it, so it’s kind of infuriating. Like you say, you can’t

(1) There is a far, far larger pool of reasonably attractive women (see: women who put in the baseline effort you’re describing here) in the world generally than there are men.

When I was in my thirties (GOD, that sounds like I am decrepit now - and I guess I sorta am) getting ‘strange’ wasn’t the problem. Getting ‘strange’ I wanted was a completely different story.

Ah, you left out an important qualification! You don’t just want D but good sex. Now that is hard to find.

That’s a great question and it can be really scary. I’d used the apps in my mid-sized city for a while to get used to it, went on lots of dates, met guys I had mutual friends with, asked about them to said mutual friends. When I traveled it was a lot more “work” to investigate someone and I was surprised to find they

I was gonna respond to the troll that maybe it’s because you have *gasp* standards but looking at his comment history decided it wasn’t worth it