
I feel for you on this topic and am appalled by the piling-on of commenters here. You’re describing your experience in Eurocentric American culture and what it’s like to take an introductory course on what’s still a controversial “science”. The history of anthropology, how it’s been used to influence political and

Isn’t he vile? To think that two women had sex — unprotected sex — with him!

I cringe at “cleanses” and how people share on social media about “detoxing”. That’s disordered eating. Plain and simple.

Recently there was an especially obnoxious Special K commercial with an actress announcing “women’s bodies are awesome: we run marathons (like, every woman does that with her free time?!), we have babies, and we even eat!”

Yes, I was just going to post about that doc. It’s such an important piece of work because it explains what is happening to people who are consuming various talk shows, etc.

Exactly. These two are offended that they are now off certain party and Xmas lists now as that seems to be how Trump’s WH works. It isn’t like they’re reporters for Frontline or BBC, they just have a morning TV show that inflates their sense of importance. They got used by Trump and apparently believed he wouldn’t do

You put it perfectly. Sadly.

I honestly think that the germ of superhero stories has some creativity, even if it’s just a thin story about Batman’s third cousin. That isn’t comparable with the output of KUWTK or Jenners. Blockbuster franchises like Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, etc., may ultimately be money-driven, but at least a spark of

Just gonna say it: of course he was a libertarian!

This, sadly. Three out of three chiropractic experiences have made me stay far, far away and like you, the fact I had coverage for them is why I went. All three were into religion and/ or supplements and/ or weekly visits becoming part of my “lifestyle“.

It would be one thing if they stayed out of The Real World but they take themselves very seriously and seem to believe their TV success is real-life success. They, and their consumers, don’t appreciate just how much A LOT of money and a lot of shameless promotion can get some people in a world that is all about

I’m SHOCKED that you are still alive. Last fall this site was overrun by Kardashian fans. So much so that OJ Simpson and Trump got passes before actual feminists (not exaggerating) according to the comments by the Kardashian supporters. Interested to see that you have not been attacked here. Very glad you haven’t.

I’m CERTAIN a unique woman like her absolutely can do better, OMG! Sadly, she’s been in this shitty Bizarro World with him for so long, she’s forgotten what life was like without all the shit that’s so clearly humiliating and Hindenburgy to us on the outside. In other words: when you live in it, you get accustomed to

ETA: I wasn’t trying to say that Kerrigan was the “selfish “ party, I was trying to say that since I didn’t know them, I don’t really know the circumstances however I’m kinda blaming the coach for cheating on his wife with his figure skating athlete. He was older, knew better, etc.

I don’t expect Tonya to have become a different person! Besides, Katarina Witt posed nude (by choice, not by public shaming via a lover) in the 90s.

I’m far too ambivalent about Kerrigan, however, I do feel for any woman who gets to the top of her field thanks to talent and loads of hard work yet doesn’t get to enjoy it, which seems like her experience. Women’s figure skating and gymnastics (as competitive sports), not to mention professional ballet, still employ

Right??? I have had the impression from seeing Kerrigan’s public events post-Olympics that she struggled with the fact that the attack, which was indeed scary and surreal, hijacked her ability to stay in control of her own story and that she has had the unreasonable expectation that she should not be judged as anyone

Isn’t it interesting that Harding was “raised” by an alcoholic mother, Oksana Baiul’s life and family (biological and foster) were affected by alcohol (partly, probably self- medicating her injuries), and that Kerrigan’s family was also alcoholic? (The case regarding the father and brother is classic alcoholism.) When

I love you for this comment and what I will always remember Kerrigan for is what an appallingly bad sport and “ambassador of America “ she was the night she won silver and Oksana Baiul (an Ukrainian orphan, her only means of support, social security from the USSR, had recently disintegrated, so, this 17 year old girl

Makes me want to stay “on strike” indefinitely!