
Pay enough, and you can get hair that wavy, too. :)

I thought the same thing!!! Short hair comment aside, who thinks Jennifer Lawrence needs to lose 10lbs??? Since when??? I hope this isn't a general male consensus, because if this is the judgement on her, what chance do us mere mortals have? I love her and she is stunning. That's all.

Seriously. I have met many men who say they prefer short hair on women. Also, whenever I have had short hair, I have had no problem getting laid. Science.

"If you have any female interaction on social media, whatsoever"

Here's the problem.

That Jennifer Lawrence should lose weight is laughable in and of itself. I don't even like her that much but GOOD LAWD she is hot.

Ugh. I hate that whole 'guys hate short hair' bullllllll. When I had my pixie cut I got more compliments from guys on my hair than I've ever gotten. Just random dudes would be like "hey, I like your hair."

Looks like that dude just outed himself as a virgin.

When Tuna just sits down and they all cheer, I lost it.

Exactly, it's just replacing one negativity with another. Either way someone feels bad about themselves.

My mom called it a "truck stop." And always said it was considered unattractive when she was younger.

I will quote my mother again, "Thigh gap? What the hell's that?" I explain. "Oh. Back when I was younger we called that bow-legged".

Is this really a thing men are expecting, I mean wtf I don't understand I thought this was one of the women to impress other women things. Why is this seen as an ideal, and by whom? What kind of dude is interested in whether or not his SOs (or potential whatever) thighs to one another.
My mind is blown by the things we

Stop looking at those websites. They're poison.

I have to admit that I love how much more comfortable I am in my 30s than I was when I was younger. I'm still admittedly obsessed with skin care and sun protection, but aside from that I've learned to be way more comfortable with my body. I just had to go to a destination wedding, and had a moment while swimming

I have a crackhead friend that was pregnant for 5 months before she found out, at which point she opted to have a late-term abortion. She was 18 and definitely should not have been having that baby. It was certainly okay in that case.

I'm guessing none. Hell, they don't even want to increase taxes and repair America's social safety net to lift citizens of their own countries out of poverty. They are truly terrible people.

Now playing

Almost 2 years ago, my friend and his wife lost their baby, and and to have a D and C at a Planned Parenthood Clinic. My friend decided to confront the abortion protesters.