
I can’t see a downside there.  

Does it come with a free red arm band?

I’m sure these ads were in the can long before we knew who the Chiefs were playing.

I thought he was more of a ketamine guy?

I suggested a $38 plane ticket as the answer here and was called a buzzkill. If it has to be terrestrial speed, a Shinkansen ticket. If it has to be under your own control, then it’s gotta be the Busa

I’ve said it elsewhere today but from this day forward, fuck ANYONE who buys a new tesla. If you already own one, buy one of those “I bought it before he was crazy” stickers and know that your resale is going to be garbage so you might as well thrash what you’ve got.

Did old Wadsack (what a terrible name) get out of her 71 in a 35 ticket?


It’s true, I would never write about Menendez because I’m a partisan hack with no principles or morals just like you. Oh, wait:

Elon Mush is a fucking nazi and you shouldn’t give him any of your hard earned money, ever.

Deplorable being deplorable

LOL he believes he is above the law. Who the fuck does he think he is, the current president of the United States?

Party of Law, Order, and Hypocrisy. They are such digesting people and it is sad that this is not surprising in any way.

Well there is a VERY big fucking difference between what happened with Bob Menendez and literally every single Republican, including their current president. See- we had no problem with Menendez getting caught. We have no problem if he gets prosecuted, sentenced and sent to federal prison.

But Republicans? ALL of

And if Menendez was arrested for some sort of violation having to do with vehicles I hope they would cover it. However, it wasn’t so there’s no reason for an automotive site to report on it.

Oh god, no need to read past the first sentence. Can you point on the doll where the DEI hurt you?

Democrats punish the corrupt, Republicans just consider themselves exempt from the laws”

Fuck Trump.

It sort of rubs most Americans the wrong way that we are helping someone that makes say $200k+ to buy something.

And again, team Felon is handing the future to China. America First my left nut.