
Man the design of the Mazda 3 still looks good, and will continue to look good for another 5 years with minimal external changes. If only they would get out of their own ass and make a speed 3 already. 

Honestly, almost any of these are perfectly adequate for the needs of the average person.

My BRZ has a pretty silly startup sequence thanks to my tune. The ECUTEK tune adds four switchable maps to the car, and I really didn’t need more than one, so I asked for a valet tune as the second one, and an anti-theft tune as the third. So if I’m parking my car for an extended period, or somewhere sketchy, I leave

No, that’s still bad. I can drive to my office on surface streets and completely avoid highways, even if it adds to my commute time by 5-10 minutes. This, then, would be completely unfair to those who can not avoid highways in their daily driving. There's lots of places where avoiding highways, just... isn't possible. 

I hereby announce my candidacy for Congress, on the platform that my signature legislation will be the “Ban Stupid Puns In Bill Names Act” (BSPIBNA), which will prevent Congresspeople from naming their proposed laws in ways where the acronym or initialism forms a word. 

The gas tax hasn’t been raised since the early 90s. Hybrids getting 40-50mpg pay substantially less than traditional gas cars. I hear no one ever ask those to pay more.

At 18.4 cents per gallon, it would take nearly 5500 gallons of fuel to equal the $1000 tax on EVs. An average fill up of 15 gallons would be 366 fill ups. Every other week would be 14(!!!!) years of gas.

I wonder how nervous the oil companies are with Musk as president. They have to know he wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize his position.

Mandarin has the much more succinct ‘活該’—meaning you misbehave, you deserve what you get.

I was in Norway last year and they have plenty of EV models to choose from.

Most Americans who feel that way have never known enough hardship to fill a postcard; privilege has its downside.

Unfortunately a lot of Americans don’t seem to mind it.

The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi, but a bankrupt Nazi is a good start.

There are two expressions in the Dutch language that seem to fit exceptionally well:


World War Two still casts a long shadow,” Kraaijvanger told Wired.

Operating an EV even now is a steep learning curve if you dont have a place to charge at home.  It takes a bit to get in the hang of finding and using chargers if you dont have one readily available to you.  Its not surprising people that people wont want to tackle that curve while on vacation.

Avis requires a charge of 70% upon return.