Really Rick Sparks

Calling it now. He molested her and she remembers.

Not a single Thin Man movie in here. What a rip.

How “fantasy” we going here? Wonderbug, duh!

How is the po-po gonna catch a flying car that talks, has an articulated prehensile antenna, and can pop a wheelie from a static position? They ain’t, that’s how.

What the ASS Crosby. Besides, most CSN songs are really pitchy. A lot. Vinyl/tape gave a lot of mediocre singers leeway back in the day. For example, put “Bohemian Rhapsody” against “Marrakesh Express” or “Find the Cost of Freedom” and you’ll note one group has stellar vocals even though they were overdubbed and one

I recall at least one or two levels which resulted in REALLY long falls and a REALLY long version of that scream. I hated having to restart the level but loved the way that spit-coated cry sounded on the way down to SPLAT.

No, Trump is president because the U.S. has a decrepit Electoral College which was invented when women didn’t vote & slavery was peachy AND a lot of states have voting machines which are easily hacked and have no paper trail.

The Electoral College has given the job of president to the LOSER only five times in U.S.

Another racist comment from you? Gross.

You fling the term n**** a lot. But you’re also a coward who doesn’t post a profile pic. Why are you trash?

Why is your profile pic anonymous? It’s like you’re a racist piece of shit or something.

Racist piece of shit writes what?

Whitey? I’m shocked that a user who writes “N****” in most of his comments is being a racist piece of shit.

If Kentucky puts this cretin in office again? I’m calling for mandatory literacy tests for all of their voters. They’re clearly a bunch of fucking idiots who hate the U.S. Constitution. For DECADES.

Fuck your feelings, you illiterate cowardly semi-anonymous snowflake.

The ladies of “The Shrew” just have to listen to McCain’s fat daughter.

Her husband has to eff her. I will not apologize for imagining the farts whcih emanate from parts of her body that aren’t even supposed to be holding in air and which now you, dear reader, are imagining. AND THE SMELLS. Oh the smells.

For starts?

If her drunk ass couldn’t talk for a living she’d be homeless.

Yeah, he’s fucking trash. 

Tommy deserves to be fed his own dick.

Let’s be clear.. a “man” didn’t physically assault her. A decrepit juvenile did.

Castration is the only way to stop his genes from spreading.


Seriously, what is this $1.99 shit that breaks or splinters after a few uses which my GF thought would work and which I accidentally tore in half twisting one of them? Get the Rubbermaid set for $2.99. Ten years in so far. Ice cube bliss.