My family would not care if I died (they’re all Trumpers or Trump adjacent) so why the fuck should I oh yeah I have an awesome girlfriend/partner of over twenty years.
My family would not care if I died (they’re all Trumpers or Trump adjacent) so why the fuck should I oh yeah I have an awesome girlfriend/partner of over twenty years.
I despise everything about this story. We are a failed species.
I confess to calling little kids monkeys... skin color has nothing to do with it! They climb all over everything. Am I being accidentally racist?
Not always a fan of Synder’s work but I must admit to liking the extended cut of JL a helluva lot more than the slapdash theatrical release. Steppenwolf actually looked terrifying, there were some very cool shots involving Cyborg, and the removal of the stupid Superman/Flash race kept the tension of the final act from…
Yeah, stars who assault people are totally just whatever. Ezra Miller needs a kick in the teeth.
Hear me out...
I like commercials.
I like knowing what people are selling. I like watching things that someone else paid for. I like the tech involved, or the cleverness of some commercial writing. I like bad commercials, you know... the off-kilter political ads or the ridiculous drug ads that say “Don’t use WEMADETHIS…
Staple this loser to a desk.
And yet, my account is still suspended because I called some Trump supporters names.
I’mma be that guy and point out there are no avatars in the Avatar sequel. Not a single one. The bad guys are all memory clones and Jake had his consciousness transferred by Gaia in the first movie. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
My dude. You okay?
You’re very welcome! When the girlfriend got home she was searching for a movie to watch and I asked if she’d ever seen it. She hadn’t. It is still great beginning to end, much funnier than I remembered it from the 80s.
Y’all probably don’t know about it but in 1984 John Sayle’s released “The Brother from Another Planet” and it is so good and funny and earnest. I don’t even know how it’s in the public domain but it is! Enjoy.
It’s bad when compared to other Indiana Jones movies. But it’s watchable with corny moments. I would save it for after the new movie with old Indy, Nazis in the 60s (we know they were there!). I suspect all one would want is a rewatch of “Raiders” and “Last Crusade” if you haven’t committed them to bone memory at this…
I just remembered why I hated that thing when it showed up. It looks like a slightly better version of the killer mech in “Hardware.”
Sorry, saw the username. Couldn’t resist.
LOL it looks like the bot is pooting and the dog is eating it!
A recent “South Park” used AI near the end of a recent episode too. Was so cliche in a clunky way. Trey Parker is a genius.
I viewed it as Korg being a bad storyteller. It’s bookended with him telling the story to kids, after all. Somewhere out there is the hard “R” rated version of this movie with Gorr devastating countless gods and Thor’s struggles with Mjollnir & Stormbreaker constistently getting in the way to the point that characters…