simple solution - make trains driverless. no more drama. and culling of stupid can continue
simple solution - make trains driverless. no more drama. and culling of stupid can continue
that’s idiotic, he was great in it.
which tech firm gives 150K to first year hire ?
just because in our history empires fell etc doesn’t mean that on another world one empire conquers the whole planet and exterminates all non-conforming entities....
trade and negotiations do not preclude horrors and can exist side by side.
the “moved on methods of communication” is a weak argument as at some point they had to pass radio stage. And those signals would still be traveling around. And there should be lots of them...
sooo, which weak specie survived then ?
did he checked the whole intake path ?
also, the motor itself is cheap actually. If you buy independently.
and it is fairly easy to replace, if you can manage to open the machine properly (that’s the hardest part)
if its screaming - there is an obstruction....
nope ;)
so is that trickle in Britain famous for fording disasters, yet no one calls that place off-roading. :)
will the engine last past 60K miles ?
will transmission last?
what’s the maintenance schedule like for hybrid models ?
tucson is same size, no?
whats offroady in that vid ? any car would make that road
the efficiency of their panels and the size they are planning to use do not yield the results they are proposing they will get. Unless they use alternative math.
every mentioned ev has nicer interior than a Y/3
wait, that’s me and that picture is REAL dammit !!
that is false, i has 62 set during winter for my thermostat and no need no hoodies... its fine. FINE
giggity ??
this just means in 3 years we’re fucked, cause that “turn around” is not happening.
this is just grasping at straws...
how in the hell the maintenance crews related to putin and his ilk or the war ??
“oh, he cleans putin toilet - we must sanction him!!! that’ll teach putin a lesson”
fuckin ridiculous