
that is not the same.

if you have experienced a drip on your screen - consult with your Doctor immediately !!

So, all that is needed to seize those assets is a tip from someone ?
No trial, no proof of any wrongdoing ?

how do you know I’m not The KGB master ?

and the legal basis for this seizure of assets is based on ?

RG’s were actually funny and not personal...

they are respectable establishment, how dare you !!!

how exactly will this help ukraine ?

“sacrifice” is such a grim word.
science will use gentle methods on you. For all man kind.

ps. to all woke people - I was not implying man are superior, just using common phrase.

you should donate yourself to science, so they can study you and find a way to cure this condition for future generations.

On a serious note - dude, sorry to hear that.

all your concerns are right, except eggs - eggs are awesome man.

I served in Soviet navy 86-89, we knew when US satellites would fly over and all our movement on base was regulated to avoid anyone/thing in the open.

fuck Putin.

oil refining doesn’t go away in electric future, you have to make plastics from something

US was different from Europe only in its ability to generate new wealthy families far longer into its development. That’s all. Ever expanding territory and economy, ever expanding markets etc...
Families who managed not to die off are still in charge. And naturally they made it easier to maintain that status over the

all of those people are still filthy rich, even if most of them decided not to be in the front of the bus.

you will have to provide some evidence to back this up.
generational wealth doesn’t disappear

majority of bitcoin is owned by same people who control other markets.
that power never going anywhere

or freedom fries oil ;)

you can fix this thing with anything. And engine has roots in US engines, so there will be a surprising number of compatible parts here.


then express your thought clearer.