
t-14 stalling during training had nothing to do with t-34 purchase from Laos or any drastic re-thinking of anything. I mean c’mon.
t-14 is still in testing and is proving to be just too expensive and not critical to have, as modernization of current units to t90m appear to be more cost and functionality effective.

you should get out more.... see other countries, find out they are good at math too.

tanks eat more fuel, require new tracks fairly quickly and generally less reliable and slower than trucks.
for the terrain and level of resistance - trucks are perfect “light” cavalry

remarkable investigation to uncover a government associated group purchased their trucks from couple dealers in neighboring country. WOW.
who could have imagined this possible.

so, what are you wearing that’s not made in communist or former communist country ?

Where the spare at ???

why so scared of friendly and polite secret police ?
we’re human too and want quality “mind extenders” 

Solo is #5 after original trilogy and rogue or even #4 and rogue #5...

care to share what you partake in ?

proof of what exactly ?
isn’t providing proof responsibility of those who make those claims ?
If I say that you are abusing your pet - it will be my responsibility to prove it.

there is nothing over complex in a medical ventilator/equipment.
their cost is derivative of regulations and restrictions, some of which are superficial.
think of it as military grade toilet seat for $400.

I simply know how biased all of western media are to china/russia etc....
“those commy fuckers can’t tell no truth”.
The Fact is - China did the right thing once they realized the severity of the situation and they have beaten it and are getting back to normal.
Practically every western nation had ample time to react and

ok, I was considering looking, but after I saw nationalreview — hell no.
not worth it.

Seriously ??
anecdotal evidence ?
c’mon man

you can’t make us

india’s population has overall better immune systems vs. western populations, due to their epidemiological conditions...

how exactly did China lie ?

South Korea used very draconian even totalitarian steps to curb the spread.
Steps which are impossible in US.

so “he” didn’t build any yet..

yes, we still have PTSD from what happened. But its not about runways.

its a cost/effect thing — constant maintenance is expensive and boring and take people from other things they could be doing.

and this has nothing to do with Barbarossa or any previous war.
When you can charge $400 for toilet seat - you also can spend a lot on perfect run-ways.
When you barely scrape enough $$ to keep