
if you include cloud based AI solution and add couple million $$ - any US military contractor will hire you as a CEO

its called gamification !!!

americans believe that no one will ever be able to bomb their airfields.

advances like non-functioning poop system ?

prove that it doesn’t ???

nano magic

those ornaments on the roof -- are they the explosives to allow ejection seat to, you know, eject without killing ejectives ?

rebels drive toyota trucks.....  

Just hire some russian hackers and repair anything like you own it. ;)

If only they were reliable ......

was waiting for this......  

If durango was such a good vehicle, surely it would sell better , no ?
supply and demand, capitalism and all that jazz.

people are literally overpaying for kia and waiting 2-3 months for delivery.
that should tell you all you need to know about that thing.

if charging $10K extra and still not be able to keep them on the lot is the problem, then I don’t know what your definition of success is.....

wrong, actually.

lol.... you call that law ??
I guess german extortion of property and extermination of jews was lawful too then.

please do enlighten us, which laws allow for killing of “his advisors and generals” ?? 

so the proliferation of long range strike drones by US has nothin’ to do with all of this.... its just evil russians aggression on peaceful NATO and US military bases expansion around its borders....

the state of those countries cannot be separated from the pressure (sanctions etc) that your liberal-capitalism lowing countries apply to them.
But ok, how’s the car culture in haiti ?
or how about honduras ?

monorail, monorail, monorail !!!!

wife will win. you’ll see.  and cats rule !!