
outsourcing is all the rage this days, why can’t russians follow everyone else ?

turkey and Greeks have a conflict. Yet Turkey was allowed to join NATO.
no one gives a sh...about charter, when needed.

did you renew your tinfoil hat before going “online” ?
always wear protection

Erdogan invades Syria - Russia supplies weapons to Kurds and PKK.
Don’t think he’s that stupid

Except the withdrawal is minimum ;)
They even shipped new KA-52's and MI-28's in Latakia and left su-24's which might end up being donated to Assad soon.

this “After the CIA’s introduced theFIM-92 Stinger man portable air defense system (MANPADS) into Soviet Russia’s war in Afghanistan in the 1980s, the tide of that conflict changed drastically.” - is factually incorrect.
Yes, losses increased, but did not prevent uses of helicopters or aircraft. The withdrawal of

you do know that europe in general is white and all the minorities are white there, except very recent immigrants and even with that in the account, still most european countries are 99.9% white ?

when hell freezes over

OMG evil russians are making it hard for NATO to get into their territory as well into syria (sovereign country that hasn’t invited or allowed NATO into their airspace)... such travesty ! How dare they resist their Masters !!

hell yes, entitled to go anywhere and do what we please !! ‘Miruka, fuck yeah !

my family is within US nuke radius and I don’t trip over it....
Nuclear deterrent - look that up.

“Seeing so much money being dumped into nuclear weaponry is eyebrow raising to say the least, and it is just one more saddening sign that we have entered into another frigid period with Russia.” - what a stupid statement. Any country need to upgrade old military tech. And nuclear capability Russia has is the only true

“you know nothing John Snow” ...
your anti-Russian bias shine thru tho...

your logic is illogical - first what has KGB has to do with anything ? (and sounds like you has no idea what it is or was)
- how is defending Assad is incompatible with fighting ISIS ?
Assad is against ISIS, he is the only legit leader in Syria by virtue of no other leaders emerging so far.
- syrian Turkmen do not fight

So you’re supporting ISIS then as well as turkey has repeatedly shown to be ISIS supporter ?
They buy oil from ISIS, they have allowed foreign fighters to cross from turkey to ISIS territory, they have isis run camps on their territory (where those foreign fighters are screened first and equiped) and they regularly

they have their own chip designs. most intel chips have been designed by former russian brains, so their comp science is alright - its the manufacturing that’s the pain point for them

lol ... you do not have a working missile defense.
Putin s against your systems right next door, as that allows you to strike first and catch our missiles at initial trajectory....

assuming is your first mistake. I don’t care what color you or your kids are. I live in a real world, not fantasy land. I know police are fucked up trigger happy rambo wannabies. The only way to walk away from any encounter with them is to comply and play “nice”.
Yes, that’s not how it is supposed to be - but that’s

if russians are wild animals, then americans must be schizophrenic idiots for creating ISIS and such...

lol on the revolution 3.... you people never learn....