
nobody cares then that your stupid kids get shot on regular basis then as well, you ignorant cunt

I don’t support that officer - he should be arrested and never work in law enforcement or anywhere near people.... and he and the school should pay for that girl therapy and college...
AND my child would never be in such situation, because I raised them the right way.
How about that ?

Fabian was the worst defender on the team during mexico game and both first goals were due to his ignorance...

none, there is no amount of time — US is simply incapable of producing good players.
Maybe increasing green card allocation to futbol nations will help...
It helped space program and math/physics in US ;)

how can one sow chaos in a place that’s been in chaos ever since US has created it ?
Since China owns most of US dept -do you think they are afraid of anything US can do ?

fairly all german companies at the time knew what was going on and willingly participated or subscribed to the ideology.
The idea that nazies are somehow fulled german people is revisionism.

WE WON !!! Muahahahahahahaahahahahahah

think of it as electoral college and you’ll see the similarities

are you HIGH ?? ISIS works for Saudis , its their weapon against Iran.

Except CIA admitted that it was ISIS who uses chem weapons in Siria and Assad given up all his to UN...
Remove Assad and fighting continues with upper hand to ISIS.
Keep Assad and ISIS dies off.

sorry to have started the conversation with sci/tech challenged individual. “’murica fuck yeah” - if it makes you feel better.

yes, the US has a terrible human rights record and still has ballz to call others on it (unbelievable), but this doesn’t excuse India’s cast system. India must try harder to fix it.... among other things.

are you just ignorant or plain stupid ?
US and W.Europe destroyed the only stability that region had

caste system in any form has no place in modern society. It judges people based on where/to whom they were born - not to what or who they became.
And it doesn’t matter if some people can move up the system or intermarry. the concept itself is terrible...
Yes - it was useful and had it purpose long time ago - same as

so, what’s up with caste system then ?
why largest democracy in the world still has it ?
oh, and criticizing cultural norms is not racism.
If you hate capitalism/imperialism or mormons - you’re not a racist :)

so, you’re comparing US supported, armed and trained muslim terrorists fight against Soviet army in the 80-ties, with supported by no one force US was fighting in 2000’s ?
And while USSR controlled 99% of Afgan territory , US managed to effectively control lass than 50% at any given time....
USSR went out and stopped

please do tell how Afghanistan was won in the air !!
Do you write sci-fi or youth fiction ?

OMG when do you people start learning geography ...

this is simply incorrect. “reactive “armor doesn’t cover any of US abrams 100% and all angles.

it went straight in, there were several during Iraq war that got penetrated... side hull and ammo rack area have very thin armor... close to 50mm, not to mention hull side armor of 30mm.... that can be penned with DSHK armor piercing bullet