
Is it possible for them to take Arizona along, too? Between Joe Arpaio and the Mountain Dew Motherfucker, there’s a whole shitload of crazy in that state.

“Every baby is a blessing”

Because it’s been proven time and time again that the whole ‘shoot the gun out of their hand’ or ‘shoot to wound’ is Hollywood bullshit and usually ends with a dead LEO or a bullet completely missing and going somewhere it wasn’t supposed to go. Not even military or police snipers will attempt shots like that because

The United States economy was kickstarted because we were really good at making and exporting guns. In other countries gun manufacturing was limited by the desire to avoid over throw, but we had a different relationship with government. The US was also good at ship building due to the availability of unharvested

I am a responsible firearms owner. You know how I know that? Because I fully support reasonable and common sense legislation to prevent people who are a danger to society from acquiring any firearms. The day they require a license to purchase or own any firearms I’ll be first in line. I will be able to pass any

Don’t let anyone ever tell you your home is safer with a gun in it.

Those eyes and that lipliner is like a klaxon screaming “crazy! crazy!” Those poor girls though, so much violence in this world and the worst came from their own mother.

All responsible gun owners are responsible gun owners right up until they aren't. Weird how that works.

I haven’t seen him around lately, but in his honor...

My dream is as follows:

Now that Disney World has been taken back from the alligators, we need Florida.

Oh I would love for Texit to finally happen.

Sarah Palin, never change.

Hopefully the Northern Irish and the Scotts will secede and join the EU. The rest of England and especially those racist idiots will look like damn fools.

Cameron’s legacy is going to go down as one of if not the worst in GB history. He sacrificed his country so the Tories could stay in power and then played a game of chicken with the British public and lost.

with delusions of empire.

Hopefully this will be a wake-up call to people about the dangers of right-wing populism. Groups like UKIP and the National Front aren’t just fringe elements anymore; they are successfully appealing to millions of working class white Europeans, disenchanted with bureaucracy and blaming migrants for their ills. It’s

We are so fucked.

Next up, Scotland leaving the UK. Global politics, from the US to Europe to Asia, in catastrophic flux right now. Concurrent with catastrophic flux of the climate and the planet. Wonder what the historians will name this era in history. #PlanetaryShitshow? #EndtoEndExtremistSmackdown? #BecauseEverythingsAHashtag now.

So, the British equivalent of our TEA Party morons got their way? This doesn’t bode well for our chances of avoiding Orangutan-In-Chief.