
Shout out to the three things that have been my highlights of this sit-in (aside from the obvious): C-Span getting mad ratings and having people possibly utter the phrase, “Sorry, I’m tired because I was up all night watching C-Span.” for the first time ever. Periscope being used to subvert the House cameras being

Another commenter said something earlier today about Dems generally being the party of compromise in contrast to the GOP being completely unwilling to even meet them at the bargaining table in recent years. Well, the Dems are finally fed the fuck up. As well they should be.

Looks like Obama’s lack of fucks is spreading, although given the mess the GOP seems to be in right now it seems to be a good time to make a statement.

The Dems so rarely show their guts. It’s wonderful when they do.

“The House is currently a complete circus a manifestation of the Constitution's rural bias."

Democrats? Raising hell? Using social media? Drowning out the speaker?

Why am I not surprised that Tammy Duckworth is, again, being a total badass?

why didnt u say hi :(

Perhaps they do know it’s inappropriate but don’t care?

Pay no attention to what men are doing to young girls the real threat is trans women who need to pee. We have to protect our girls from the real predators.

I def don’t have friends doing anything this romantic if that’s what u mean

like i care. i don’t wanna be a manager anyway. i need to have time to make babies. if i don’t have them by 32, it’s never gonna happen because my womb will basically have tumbleweeds rolling around in there. and no man will want me if i can’t have kids, so what do i need extra income for? if no man wants me, i don’t

Oh look, another study for the “No Shit” file.

Conversely, “journalist” Chuck Johnson once staged a shit-in on the floor of his college dorm.

Incredible. Every time I think the Republicans can’t get any more petulant and childish, they double down again. And their constituents will praise them for their petulance. It’s as if the kids from Lord of the Flies started their own political party.

(disclosure: I got this pic from a Twitter response to this story)

Ms. Bell has long supported black enterprise and lauded entrepreneurship by African Americans.

“Ms. Bell’s posting of concern for the African-American community stung by mass shooting was clearly and obviously not intended to be racially offensive.”

their mothers work multiple jobs