
This. This makes me think of that episode of The West Wing where Josh burns the midnight oil with a gay Republican congressman to get some bill passed (I don’t remember what the bill was). It’s tough, because they’re so far apart from each other on the political spectrum, but they manage to simultaneously push each

You should meet my wife.

anna, if you do hear from desiree, please let her know that there are quite a few jezzies who want to help by starting a gofundme page for her legal fees if that’s something she’d be interested in.

I was enlisted back in the 90s and you didn’t get to touch a weapon outside of tightly controlled circumstances. All ammo was painstakingly accounted for each and every time you went to the rifle range or on guard duty. There was no fucking around. Because an M-16 is a deadly weapon of war. No one, and I mean no one,

Someone shared this post on Facebook where a mother said she kept an AR-15 next to her bed. In easy reach to defend against an attacker. No gun safe or anything to keep her kids from getting at it.

The gun has the Second Amendment engraved on the receiver, because civilians slaughtering each other wholesale every few weeks with weapons of war is surely what the founding fathers had in mind.

I searched for “angry deer gif” and this came up. I’m sorry and you’re welcome.

I am so FUCKING over this. Fucking take all the fucking guns and fucking burn them. My husband has hunting rifles. He doesn’t need them that bad. Fuck all this motherfucking bullshit. I have to take my damn Birkenstocks off at airport security, but fucking suspected terrorists can buy guns legally.

God I hope so. I just emailed my senator and called him a coward.

The trouble is a lot of universities can’t grasp that you can be the absolute top most expert in your field and in demand at conferences and publishing papers and totally academia famous but none of that really helps if you *can’t actually teach*. It’s fine for dealing with postgrads and guiding their independent

Fun fact: The NRA lobbies against domestic violence legislation because it makes it harder for domestic abusers to buy guns. They also lobby against laws to make it more difficult for puppy mills to torture dogs because not torturing dogs would make it more expensive to breed hunting dogs.

Rant coming... sorry

I was just going to stand outside his house with a boombox playing ‘In You Eyes’ at three in the morning, but sure, we can...we can go with your option.

In other words, we have a private organization that tell us how to rule our country. Not congress, not the President, just a bunch of fat pigs sitting on their behinds, high-fifing each other anytime another AR-15 gets bought.

I’m a naturally anxious person, but does anyone find their anxiety about being in public spaces has gone up? Like, are you purposely avoiding doing things because of your fears that this would be a place where someone would freak out and open fire?