
Definitely, as a socially awkward dude, truly socially awkward dudes will hardly talk to women. Let alone say anything sexual. Not even so-called “jokes”. Any guy’s comments to this type of extent that you get a “weird” vibe aren’t because these guys are socially awkward, they’re predatory and feeling you out for a

As a moose hunter, Palin must know many skilled taxidermists. Maybe this is her handiwork?

John McCain did America a favor by naming Moose Dick Barbie as his VP. He could have picked someone seemingly sane like Lindsey Graham who shared his insane policy positions, but he didn’t. He gave America a way out.

He took pictures of his victim. I thought I disliked this douche before. Now I think he should go see how good his swim times are in shark infested waters. Sue his family, fair maiden. I am not litigious, but daddy is an ass and a wealthy contractor. Sue them so hard their great-grandchildren will know how the family

Yup. Woman are always made to feel like they are overreacting if they find a man creepy. We’re supposed to be understanding of gross behavior and write it off as “social awkwardness.” Fuck that noise. Trust your gut ladies.

Dear Slot/Jez editors,

Ted Cruz - the man who shut down the government over Obamacare - calling yesterday’s filibuster “a political show” is truly rich.

Remember when McCain was a maverick, the reasonable one, and a man of principle? His fall would be tragic if he weren't such a self-serving twat.

And he buckled to Tea Party bullshit, chose Sarah Palin for his VP. The madness of this election and his party’s open bigotry is largely on his shoulders.

Always nice to hear a dignified Republican’s take on the president. Trump is clearly an anomaly in this party, and not at all reflective of most Republicans....

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck ooooooooooooooooff.

Well, at least “My Incredible Opinion” is aptly named - after consideration, I find those opinions completely lack credibility.

yeah, “you’re a fake because I wasn’t very curious or bright when I was 12 years old” is an interesting defense that seems to be proving his point

Hey anti-vaxxers, since you’re clearly bored, why not debate me instead? I’m not 12, I have decent scientific knowledge, and I’m not 12.


And if anyone comes on saying that gun laws don’t work cos of this they can kindly go fuck themselves.

This is comparatively local to me, and it’s breaking my heart.

Wait, so let’s zoom in on the magazine cover for a moment: “KIM AS YOU’VE NEVER SEEN HER”