
That is so terrifying for everyone involved... What kills me is these anti-choice idiots sponsored all sorts of (in my understanding) unscientific studies to be able to “prove” fetuses can feel pain at x-months. Even if, by some stupid miracle, that was true, a child who is born and dies after a few hours most

This information has made my MILLENNIUM. Thank you for this. Thank you, thank you, thank you. (I work for a toy company where we regularly get ‘my kids did a dumb thing because they’re kids but it’s your fault’ complaints, so I will be sharing this with all my coworkers, too. We need the laugh.)

Immediately thought of a second one:

“You’d be such a pretty girl if you just lost a little more weight!”

“I was thinking of the families of the innocent victims of the terrorist attacks in Paris and the threats to our nation’s capital city when I made that statement yesterday,” he said.

This is such a delightfully British exchange that I couldn’t help but sit here clapping gleefully as I read it.

My current job is thankfully really supportive when I have to call out sick, in part because they know that if I’m not coming in I must be on death’s door. The problem is that I managed licensing for my whole (consumer goods) company and no one else knows how to do half the crap I do. If I leave so much as an hour

My current job gives us 5 sick days and 5 vacation days, plus the option to work from home if we’re sick or indisposed. I’ve worked other office jobs, though, where sick and vacation days were one and the same. It was the WORST. I had 10 days and had to constantly do a 2hr commute when sick just to guarantee I could

“And we’re opening up a very dangerous door if we get the government getting to go into a religious institution and decide what amounts to hate speech.”

High-five to that and high-five to your user name!

Thank you for the link! Just wrote Baker a good, long letter myself. “Waiting until the federal government has a screening process of which we can approve” is total bullshit and a stalling technique at best.

WHAT? Oh GODDAMMIT MASSACHUSETTS COME ON. (I’ll join you in blinding rage.)

SERIOUSLY! The number of TERF and nasty comments on this is just... nauseating.

I found my depression definitely works the same way. I get depressed, realize I’m depressed, and get more depressed because the fact that I have depression makes me feel even more depressed. It’s maddening.

I just don’t like religions or people that wish to kill me, wipe out our culture and destroy our country.

“Unique” child names, keeping the placenta attached, and using her kids as PR props and THE GODDAMN BACKGROUND TO ALL OF HER POWERPOINT SLIDES? This lady is a raging narcissist who has no business running a school.

In August, Oatman billed the decision to cast both a white and black actor as a “true exploration of King’s wish that we all be judged by the content of our character and not the color of our skin.”

I’d definitely recommend Berserk and Monster. If you’re open to manga and/or live action films based on manga, 20th Century Boys is also an AMAZING series.

you are not my fucking mom!

Side bar: this is my new favorite part of BCO.