
I wanna party with these ladies. Thank you for this.

...So any other 20-somethings feel like they’re staring down the barrel at their middle-aged future just reading this? This is bleak as shit, but I guess at least people are taking note that it’s happening...?

Thank you for this comment! Really put it into perspective. Maybe Ireland is onto something.

This sounds like an AMAZING paper, if not a really terrifying one. Do you post on perchance?

“Here is the message: It is factually true that women have been hit very hard by progressive policies.”


These assholes couldn’t give a straight answer if their life depended on it. Even the opening question, almost all of them dodged it in order to say something shitty about each other or Obama.

I keep thinking of more stories. Sorry for the multi-posts, folks.

Short and definitely not the scariest, but...

What is it with bookstores and people doing this? I worked at Barnes & Noble for years and years, and parents were constantly doing this.

“I’m a reasonable person. And if people can come up with a reasonable explanation of why they would like to kill a baby, I’ll listen.”

Even as a cyclist I have to agree! If these idiots are going to disobey the rules of the road, run down pedestrians, and generally act like douchebags, they deserve whatever’s coming to them. I hope “whatever’s coming to them” happens to be a parked car opening its door with impeccable timing.

I can only speak to my experience, but I identify as Catholic for a number of reasons. TL;DR, it’s a little of column A, a little of column B from some of the things you listed.

This comment is a thing of beauty. Good show.

Well it hurt my childhood to see this.

Holy crap Palin clan... Stay out of my snatch and I’ll stay away from your guns. Deal?

“No issue is more deserving of our undivided attention than protecting the dignity of human life,”

In his defense, no dead people could be reached for comment.