the shooter’s mother was an active proponent of Oregon’s open-carry laws
Only a select number people have handles on 4chan, and it’s mostly so they can be recognized/establish a reputation on particular boards. I don’t know that I ever saw someone use a handle on boards like /b/-random, which makes these kinds of threads difficult to read.
To be fair, I am pretty worried about (local) government restricting my access to women’s healthcare—including abortive services—and telling me which gender I’m allowed to marry.
But straight up, I think most of this paranoia has to do with COMMUNISTS, OBUMMER TAKIN’ MAH GUNS, WHAT ABOUT CHRISTIANS, etc., etc.
Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan agreed, saying memorably that the government needs to take money away from “the guys doing the bad things.”
I honestly hope she gets tried. When it’s someone this old, we’re not necessarily trying them to put them away for life—there’s not much of that left. What they’d be trying is her legacy and her name, and if she is indeed responsible for the death of so many people then she sure as shit needs to have her legacy torn…
Please take all the stars.
As a New Englander, I’d like to officially go on the record saying FUCK OFF TOM. I’m getting really sick of your shit.
This video has single-handedly sold me on her show. I love her already.
I’m sure it’s been said a dozen times in the comments already but...
So where are the religious freedom nut jobs now? Oh, what’s that you say? You only protect conservative Christians? Nice freedom ya got thar.
I hope Pinkham does a “best firing stories” segment sometime soon, because you should definitely be featured. This story is GOLD.
“People Are Drunk On Rights In This Country”
So these idiots keep medicine from prolonging and improving the lives of people with serious, chronic illnesses?
Pro-life indeed.
So semi-real question... if these morons think Jews are biologically capable of taking down civilization... doesn’t that make Jews the master race in their minds? Like... what.
This isn’t so much funny as it is kinda tragic.
This is an absolutely amazing write up on a subject that definitely hasn’t gotten enough exposure. I don’t have anything constructive so say other than thank you for writing this. (And I will definitely be picking up Blood Dazzler.)
I desperately want to cross stitch all these comments so I can continue to laugh at them for years to come. Their disgust is music to my mafioso ears.
fearing the gays and loving the guns