Generic Poster

Yeah, I’m definitely erring on the side of “for fuck’s sake, stop making stuff that will save countless lives out to be creepy just for the sake of making every article snarky.” My father needed a heart transplant last year - but because they couldn’t get one in time, he had an LVAD implanted instead, and that

ME3 always got an unfair rap, I think. The game is good up until the last 10 minutes! Tying up story threads like the Krogan’s genophage or the Quarians retaking their home was satisfying as hell. Bioware just failed to nail down the Reapers’ logic in particular... though the Leviathan DLC seems to flesh it out quite

Fans no longer care about continuity the way they used to, though.

No, not in Utica, it’s an Albany form of harassment. 

Grateful Dead (Dead and Co. to be precise) show at Wrigley field required it. they checked cards and ID’s pretty thoroughly, then you got a nifty wristband so you could head to the ticket lines.

Well, I’m glad you already enjoy the movie.

But fighting against WARLORDS.

People loved it because it was a new and interesting take on the character, but you can’t do “brash young upstart learning the ropes” forever, so the hope was that they’d find a way to transition Craig’s aggressive and troubled Bond into other stories that fit the character Casino Royale established.

It’s not that he should be having fun again, it’s that his experience with Vesper is what makes him the James Bond who coldly carries out Her Majesty’s orders, the very 007 we’ve been watching for decades. What makes Casino Royale unique is the personal nature of it, the impact of which is diminished if every

The books managed it.

Hell, the movies managed to follow OHMSS just fine.

I never understood that decision either, it’s a theme they could have tucked away for 2 films later. Especially considering the same year The Dark Knight Rises unfortunately did the same thing, but at least had an 8-year time jump. Instead Bond gets shot and falls off of a very, very high bridge by Moneypenny.

Casino Royale isn’t just the best of the bunch, but one of the best action movies ever.

And then what? What happens after you “win” this stupid game? A relationship built on deception, wherein the guy that you’re dating doesn’t really know the real you... and is attracted to this inauthentic version of you? How long do you keep that up? What are you really “winning” at here?

The house band for a late night tv show!

So we’ve gone from Kinja not showing us links to where folks replied to Kinja not notifying us when we get our precious stars? Jesus Christ.

Casino Royale was a great Bond movie , all the subsequent Bond movies have sucked in one way or another. 

It also doesn’t help that folks have easy access to her own receipts in terms of others voting present.

The media loves to report these stories, while ignoring all the good work creepy possessed dolls do in the community.

The notifications for liked posts stopped last night for me.

I watched it and was shocked by how truly good it is.