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I agree more with you on Barry than Hal. My big problem with Hal was the complete lack of respect for the character when he was turned and went on a murderous rampage and the loss of the GL corp. If he had gone out as a hero, that would have been cool. Rayner never seemed more or less interesting than Hal to me.

I never thought *North Carolina* would force them to abort this - it’s been in production for nine months!

I’ve seen a few people come up with that theory, and it holds up pretty well. That said, this week Liv’s personality seemed to just be mildly informed by a brain instead of being a ridiculous caricature of it for the first time in years, and I was really glad to see another episode like that.

What strategies are those? Always fighting on the terms dictated by your opponent, tying one hand behind your back and begging a bunch of amoral dicks to like you? That’s what Democratic mainstream has been doing for 40 years and now we’re here.

Far be it from me to talk back to the “adult in the room” and the “grown up” but do you really believe the stuff you’re saying because you have been rendered clueless by privilege or is this just concern-trolling? Feels like the latter but in the event that your comments are sincere (while at the same time managing

They didn’t really ignore it as I recall they made a bunch of jokes.

The movie is set a decade after the show.

We’ve completely taken away selling albums as the main revenue stream for musicians to make money. So they make their money touring, selling merch, and licensing their music. Consider the $17.99 you used to pay for each CD as part of the price.

Honestly that’s one of the less unrealistic parts of this show. The real life MI6 is mostly nerds, not superspies.

Dammit, you beat me to it

There is a very distinct, weird “ploooonnngg” sound before the steam jet starts. I always assumed, even the first time I watched this movie as a kid, that it was the sound of the wet plug of thorax being shot out of the end of the pipe. I had a potato cannon (spud gun in TN) at the time and it was the same sound that

eh, michael chabon in an amazing writer- The Yiddish Policemen’s Union is still one of my all time favorite books.

but if someone said to me ‘hey, dont worry that this will be a bleak and depressing character study of a flawed and broken man because good old mike chabon is writing on it!’ i would immediately question

Not really; there wouldnt be any mystery, since we already know that Riker is Number One.

Yeah, the scorpions really annoyed me. On so many levels. First, two different giant crossbows mounted on ships bobbing in the water landed two shots on a fast-moving target hundreds of yards away... I mean, come on now. (And let’s not even get into the question of how neither dragon saw or smelled the ships from

I’ve been thinking about what a remake of the D&D version might look like and what could be cut and I think you could be really brutal. The more I think about about it, the more I agree with this Plotter vs Pantser thread. GRRM’s pantser storytelling feels more organic and, as a consequence, is as messy as real life.

“Euron, for example. He could have been completely excised with no effect on the story.”

I’m with you. A Catholic priest holds no power over someone who is not a believer. The whole point is that he was trying to get to know her, and this is the point at which she let him. Being vulnerable with other people is a way to connect with them. She let her guard down, and so did he.

The guy that Wayne plays in this movie (Colonel Vandervoort) was 27 on D-Day. John Wayne was 27 in 1934

I love you, Spartacus but we’ve only got fourteen hours to save the Earth!