Could be the nature of the content. Disney owns something like 60% of Hulu, so they can stick the devil stuff there and still make bank.
Could be the nature of the content. Disney owns something like 60% of Hulu, so they can stick the devil stuff there and still make bank.
God, that was SO effective. I’ve never gone so quickly from sobbing to having the time of my life, thanks to the cave-dancing Indiana Jones.
Which I find to be maybe one of the most effective openers in the MCU films That cold open coupled with the opening dance sequence are immediately set up why Quill’s the stunted manchild that he is.
Obviously the correct thing to do would have been to calmly explain why her emotional response to the scene was invalid.
It is also very VERY intentionally diverse.
I’m a comics OG(original geek) and have read comics for over 35 years STEADILY and I am black. Let me tell you,at the end of the day, most folks don’t want to see white men in chains and, while reparations would be nice (and have been done for others before), the REAL thing is to be allowed stories to be told for us…
Cheers in my audience, loudest to quietest:
Except that Cap went back to those alternate timelines to return the stones, and when he stayed there, still somehow wound up in our timeline.
I actually do recall a fair amount of bitching about Janeway, mainly because I was in college in the 90s and spent a fair amount of time on message boards and chat rooms. I even saw a lot of everyone’s favorite classic comment: “I don’t have a problem with women! I just don’t like her!”
When Yon-Rogg is doing the hype up right before she just punches him hard enough to have him fly back forty feet, I just rolled my eyes because it was just so familiar and then that perfect action and line.... Not going to lie, that scene basically pulled the movie up a whole grade for me.
I thought Miss Social Worker was gonna be a member of the Farm too, but... considering she probably isn’t, I *love* how she leaves all of the work with Betty essentially. “Yes, I found out everything you said was true, they’re recruiting students, using false identities, etc, etc—now Betty, what will you do about…
I’d say half a letter grade is more fair most the time.
I’ve said this before, but I like annoying you people with my repetitive thoughts, so I’ll say it again....
the general placements of the movies are right even if I would swap some around in their specific areas (like Dark World being the worst, Ragnarok being even lower, maybe Black Panther being knocked down a few places [don’t kill me for that one])
I always though Howard seemed more like the kind of guy who’d be Tony’s pal than Don Cheadle. Howard has that kind of bro-ish energy that suits the role. I like Cheadle in the MCU, but it feels like a very different Rhodey.
You ALL still have Joker’s boners!
I actually thought Howard was pretty good, but I certainly have no complaints about Cheadle, either.
I fucking love the videos of him in the voice booth.
One of the MCU’s greatest strengths is its casting
:: chortles ::