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Jesse, your refusal to acknowledge the Peter/Tony, Quill/Gamora. Gamora/Thanos, Thor/Rocket, and Wanda/Vision beats in this film reminds me that you are the AV Club’s Chilly, the Elf Who Cannot Love.

Bonus points if you’ve played those Marvel Ultimate Alliance games because they hinged on pulling off multiplayer combos like that.

What’s awesome about Avengers is for a film series that hadn’t yet delivered a truly memorable action sequence (as the article states), suddenly we got 3.

If you’re concerned about the shortness of life, and who isn’t, I’d re-evaluate your time budgeting to include less internet commenting.


Yeah, the generalizations about terrible action in Marvel films only works if you completely ignore all of the Russo bros. films. Winter Soldier alone accounts for 3 or 4 of the top five action scenes in superhero cinema. Civil War probably accounts for the other 2.

I think calling it risk averse is underselling the risks they did take. There’s no good reason to leave their massive tentpole movie to a guy who made a few cult classic TV shows. It’s insane to try to make a completely unknown cosmic superhero team into a movie and give it to a guy whose previous credits are just

He’s been goaded into it cause he’s a fuckin idiot! This is not the worlds greatest detective Batman, this is gullible believe anything i’m told Batman.

Sadly, they didn’t blame white guys, they blamed Mars. And in a way, they were right. Andrew Stanton actually thought he could make a successful Mars movie without sacrificing a single goat or bull to the God of War? Rookie mistake.

John Carter tanked

He’s course and rough and irritating and he’s everywhere.

Milkywhitemk6 hates Kevin Sith as much as he hates sand.

From my point of view, the Jedi are evil.

Actually, this is exactly how most match fixing works. Betting huge in the underdog brings too much scrutinity, real money if you can control the outcome is in the mid range that seems believable enough, yet was unlikely enough to pay a good fee. So, a middle of the fight KO for 12-0 guy over the high schooler in his

Yeah, I have trouble seeing it that way. I mean, these are surface things that Tony sees as “being black”. To him, its what black people are about. That was why Dr. Shirley ends up getting so angry later because he’s apparently not “black enough”. He was sick of being measured by Tony’s standard. A white person trying

I think the trouble with a film like this is that it plays to people with an unrefined understanding of race relations (past and present).

That dictatorial “your president” phrase Trump uses bothers me more (this week) than anything else he does. But it’s Monday.

He’s documenting his expenditures for tax purposes. Its amusing that the only sensible advice Smollett followed was from his accountant

That would be amazing.

No kidding, right? Like, even the absolute dumbest of criminals would know not to do that.

I’m going to go against the rest here and say you are better off having the first story tell the story of the betrayal through the initial Freeman stuff. Basically up to Paul taking the water of life as the cliff hanger. Then the second film is the outcome of that and the end of the war.