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Carol did basically say she had spent her time super-heroing on planets without super-heroes in Endgame. She wasn’t doing nothing, but I guess she wasn’t doing much on her “find a planet” gig.

They also invented some sort of pneumatic tech for firing the darts.

The thing I could never suspend my disbelief for was that, in the opening of Raiders, the Aztecs/Mayans/Olmecs/whoever had photo-voltaic technology that fired darts when light was interrupted.

The raft from Doom and Indy surviving an ocean voyage lashed to a submarine in Raiders are both almost as dumb as the nuke.  We’re just more willing to handwave them away because they’re in much better movies.

Maybe he could do the ridiculous James Kirk flying double kick.

It’s nude scenes you shoot day 1, so the actors don’t back out once most of the film is in the can.

Eh, no one will pay any attention to your dialog when it’s delivered in Costner’s listless monotone anyway.

“Dancing with WHOM?”

I dunno. She had been cutting people’s faces off and feeding people their dead relatives for some time. Doesn’t seem like she’d lose her nerve at that point, or be deterred by a 30 second lecture on the futility of vengeance.

Inside all of us are two Chris Hemsworths, always fighting:  a silly one and one who is not silly ever.

Arya - spends years going after revenge, has it pointed out to her that revenge is not good, stops with the revenge.

Within all of us are two Hulks, always fighting.

Yeah.  Referencing Simon & Garfunkel in 1987 is like referencing Nirvana now.

On one level, it’s not too ridiculous that we have 100 or so survivors of Order 66. There were 10,000 active Jedi during the Clone Wars, so the Clones missing 1% isn’t that bad.

Hopefully we’ll get to see the relationship between Mon Mothma and Manny Bothans start to develop in Andor S2.

I guess it really sums up the movie that our favorite part is a guy reloading his gun.

Ha!  I just posted about the reloading trick as well.

Agreed.  It was also kind of heartbreaking when there would be the occasional, minor thing the movie actually got right.  Like seeing Elba do the “reloading trick.”

I’m not disagreeing with you at all.  Just expressing my discomfort with the fact that Walker got much closer to the Senate than should be possible in any marginally functional/sane society.

I mean, Walker took it to a run-off, despite being super-obviously crazy and unqualified.  That example doesn’t give me any comfort at all.