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If you guys love that, I heartily recommend you check out Michael Kupperman’s Patreon.

Compared to Holden Caufield, maybe.

He did get to utter the least true line: “I used to do your job. I was good at it.”

This is what is extra strange to me.  Usually in conspiracy theories there’s someone who benefits in a way that makes a modicum of sense.  Like, we faked the moon landing to stick it to the commies.  But here, who benefits from tricking everyone into thinking the Earth is a sphere?

The Zaslav Saga was pretty awesome.  Remember when he stole the power cosmic from Galactus and beat the FF and Avengers at the same time?

Have they said Reservation Dogs is done?  I was hoping for many more seasons.

I always kinda assumed he would be constantly blathering about it.

No, see, this one was different.  They swatted crime, they didn’t solve it.

I mean, that text is pretty damn racist, but he said much more racist stuff than that on the air all the time.  I have a hard time believing that this is what got him fired.

I don’t know about the per-mile driven part since I don’t see a feasible way to enforce it, but definitely tax mass in addition to the gas tax. I don’t think making gigantic EVs is a great thing either.

I know, but I’m too old and tired to internet fight about it.

I like Gunn and I like the Guardians movie, but his (admittedly mild) complaints that Starlord wasn’t consistent with his characterization of him are a little rich, considering Gunn’s characterization has fuck all to do with the comics character.

Yeah, I’m sure HR is some people’s first move.  But there aren’t many organizations where HR is going to fire an employee without some sort of warning first.

It sort of is, I think?  If you go to the “for you” view, it will only be blue check people, so you can go through and just start blocking.  Not as easy as a “block all” feature, but maybe more satisfying?

I’m going to assume somebody told him to cut it out before making a whole thing with HR.

He’s more snark now than man, twisted and evil.

What about Max Rebo’s band????

There is probably no character easier to recast than Kang.  If Marvel feels they need an “in-universe” explanation for the recast (they don’t), just have the new Kang announce he killed his weaker variant and move on.

“. . . likely because he believes he needs Trump’s voters to win the primary and can’t hit 45 too hard.”

*wrings hands nervously*