
To begin with, here is a link that lays out the statistics regarding rape, with sourcing at the end of the document (doesn’t address false rape accusations, however):

The most important thing that I can say to people is that it is legal for cops to lie to suspects or anyone they are interviewing. NEVER ask them what the law is. They can do things like tell you that there is a witness that contradicts your claims, lie about their findings in an investigation, give you a fake

Yeah, for the victim here. She was probably smashed.

Can I just say, this is super frustrating for me. Why? Because my whole fucking family says we have a Cherokee Princess for a I-don’t-know-how-many-greats grandmother (the family goes back generations living in North Carolina, I think to the 1700s, maybe even 1600s). While it’s certainly possible given how far back my

What do you get when you put 32 white people in a room?

Hey, my mom is a jerkbag!

And he calls himself

Let’s take a moment to look at the stunning beauty that is Jeffrey Wells...

Oh god. I had a german shepard when I was a kid that I named Nala after the Lion King. I loved her to pieces and fed/trained her. One day my mom told me she had run away, and for weeks I went around passing out hand drawn flyers and looking out the window.

When my mom ransacked my room and found birth control and evidence of a boyfriend, she told me I was ruined and no man would ever marry me and I'll never enjoy sex again. Took some time to get over that one, despite all rationality.

I’m the liar.

Well, I joined the military right after high school. So.

Last year I went to Europe in the school holidays. When I got back, one of my students told me that she had also been to Europe. She said a famous Youtuber (can’t remember his name) had asked her to go to London with him and she had flown from Brisbane to London, stayed in London two nights and flown home. I was very

That I can make myself straight.

Me too - plus MORE FRECKLES! Maybe one day they’ll all connect with some age spots and I’ll look tan.

This is my life: white, red, white.

I don’t tan either. I burn, and when the burn goes away, I somehow become whiter.

Honest moment:

I bought (deeply discounted) cashmere lounge-y pants last year and it is like having the lower half of your body hugged by The Supreme Being.


being totally out of touch with reality.