That feels like a parody video from 15 years ago about a gangsta rapper from the future. It’s not though ... is it?
That feels like a parody video from 15 years ago about a gangsta rapper from the future. It’s not though ... is it?
Ug, I don’t even wanna say this because all the (incorrect) snark comments it’ll bring my way, but the school wasn’t in the wrong here. If it has a policy of allowing outside groups to use its space it can’t, as a government agency, regulate the speech of a group by saying that x group can use the space by y group…
Hoping Rihanna sues them.
I have a story completely opposite to this (I live in multicultural Canada). Anyway, I was cat called a bit when I walked home, however I didn’t really pay much attention to it. No guy ever approached me in highschool ever, so I convinced myself I was hideous and below average. Though, my friend tells me now that guys…
Yaaaaay! This is my favorite thing Jezebel does all year. In case anyone else is like me and can’t get enough of these stories, I posted these links before, and am reposting for posterity:
Commented similarly elsewhere before I saw this. Yes exactly. Appropriation?!? Give me a fucking break. I think I’ll get all pissed because Gabriel Byrne totally appropriated my profession with “In Treatment.”
Can you even appropriate something like “ballet culture?” It’s something a lot of little American and European girls are familiar with and is pretty entrenched in (white, middle class) imaginations. It’s a mainstream thing.
Jenna would be so sad to hear that this lady upstaged her in awfulness/random-inappropriate-singing.
But wait wait wait how good is your English?
This Jennifer is a woman who lived in extreme privilege and likes to make fun of people who aren’t white. Simple as. She is only bummed she got caught out. What with the Dani Mathers thing, ex beauty queen style Regina George wannabe bitches are up in everyone’s face all the time on purpose and coast along their lives…
Ugh I KNOW! I would never ever ever force my guests to listen to me sing at a party ostensibly not about my music. That’s some real Jenna Maroney sh*t right there.
Let’s start with why the fuck she is singing in the first place. What kind of asshole party host does that to their guests.
I think the craziest part of this is that she’s doing it in front of the Asian woman to her right - who looks so uncomfortable to be witnessing this. And then she practically gets in her face while singing it.
Racism aside, I just do not get the premise of this song at all. This IS a party for Murphy beds, right?? Why are you singing about this Chau guy?? WHO IS THIS CHAU GUY?? Is he from her IRL life?? And why is she so mad at him?? Is he a Murphy bed competitor?? Angry Murphy bed yelp reviewer?? What is the goddang…
I come from a very white, small town in Canada. I saw a black person maybe twice, before I was 23 years old. Aside from that, they were these mythical humans I mostly saw inside my TV, many with the last name of Huxtable. We had some First Nations people, and some Asian people, but all very small minorities, at the…
I watched it thinking “okay, it’s probably bad but like, HOW BAD could it be if this lady is performing it at a launch event for her products? Is it just some poorly done karaoke gone wrong?”
The hand holding that sandwich sure looks a lot more “white dude” than “Guatemalan woman”.
I believe she’s showing her support for Guatemalan drug lord Horst Overdick (“El Tigre”, but Horst Overdick is a LOT better).