
Ver sorry for asking this: but is the guy’s name REALLY Track?? And is he REALLY Palin’s FIRST child? Like: if it’s your thirteenth’ child, I get that you get lazy with the naming and start calling them by numbers. But for your firstborn? Track? Or is this a nickname? Is it Track? What kind of name is Track? Really

So... I don’t even understand the idea behind that. Like, what? What are they actually trying to do/proof? And what’s a Christian haunted house? Isn’t it all devilish, and shouldn’t you also never read Harry Potter because devil? I am completely lost...

Actually... I posted my story a while ago, and - since then - have heard from many women who wear hijab that catcalling, and men oogling them, is quite common. Which means: it’s just me, not the hijab. Just me ;) But your story sounds scary/intriguing :)  

Oh my god, yes! I was thinking what this reminded me of, and it’s Jenna Maroney, but - like - the awful version. And I thought Jenna herself was the awful version.

So, question: would a “true” Christian really post a picture that so much and so accurately shows a vagina? Would she even KNOW what that thing looks like? Seriously, does anyone have any fundamentalist Christians in their family/neighbourhood/whatever who could answer me this question? I am really curious.

Yeah, that’s what people don’t understand: it’s not your FAULT that you are white. Good for you, you’ve been born that way and there is nothing you should do to change that. The ONLY thing that you should change is your attitude. Like: I am not white, but I come from a highly educated family (not necessarily rich,

Meanwhile totally forgetting all the incompetent “normal”-coloured people who share their office space... (I used “normal” to describe THEIR way of thinking)

Oh my god, that is truly fucked up. Also: I am very sorry for your condition and wish you all the best. Seriously, people are pathetic!

So, I want to be an underdog, but in power. Pretty please!

I think what some white people are really jealous of is not being a victim-ish person (without of course actually being a victim of anything).

Thank you so much, I’ll start reading immediately. Very grateful! :)

So, I am not saying that the 2 to 8 percent number is wrong: don’t misunderstand me. I am just asking, where that number comes from and how do people know, not because I don’t believe it, but because I find myself talking to a lot of people (men) lately who want to tell me that, yeah, women make that shit up a lot of

I totally agree. Also: if it were true - what do you (not you of course, the general you) gain from it? And next: if your great-great-greatgrandmother was a black slave, well, then most probably your great-great-greatgrandfather was a slave owner and a rapist, right? So, what do you want to prove again? (Not you,

It’s good you followed up on that though! Thank you for caring.

Seriously, so, very very seriously: until some years ago I still believed that men cannot “control” themselves, that - if they are a little drunk, and you sleep over at their place, or you flirt with them, then they will have their way and it’s not even their fault because penis. I just found out in my twenties (by

I believed that one day, the Great Gummi Bears would come and be reunited with the others... they didn’t though, they never came... this thought still makes me very sad...

My husband and I once talked about this: what would our child have to do for us to stop loving him/her. Child rape is where I would draw the line... I mean, if your child finds out he/she is a pedophile - that’s different. I would totally support and help my child, to help him/her and any potential victim. But if

So, this HAND on her SHOULDER REALLY FREAKS ME OUT!!!!!! I get nauseous just looking at it! Oh my GOD!!!!

Yes, I get that. Did they, however, claim that they are the first ones? Not trying to be a dick here, just asking...

It’s good to not be the only one :). I get all the other shit about Gwyneth, how she is very detached from everything in “real life”, but conscious uncoupling always struck me as a pretty good name, or rather: as it should be done when children are involved, as you so rightly put it.