
Soooo, I get the ridicule and everything, but somehow I don’t find the term “conscious uncoupling” so bad. Am I a bad person? Did I do sth wrong in my life? Because I actually believe it’s a pretty accurate term for what many people are trying to do during a breakup in this day and age. Meh, maybe I’m just crazy...

Well, it’s Person of Color, the abbreviation.

This is a “perfect” example of how victim-shaming - even if the victim is a grown woman who occasionally wears short skirts or other “revealing” garment - is always a problem with OUR perception of the world, and not with “how the victim behaved”: This is a young woman who was raped/molested/whatever as a TODDLER. A

I went to a 3-day-conference (in Germany) of mostly white, male, neo-liberal/conservatives. I had to go. I took my three-month-old baby with me. And my mother-in-law as a babysitter. I breastfed, so I couldn’t go without my baby. She didn’t take well to the bottle. Guess what happened? Those white male assholes (most

Best reply: No, they are not. You like them? I can get you some by doing like so... (and then you punch him in the face).

Uh, I have one!!! Good-looking guy that I actually like as a person because he is fun to be around (most of the time): “You know, with every girl that I meet, I usually - just for like three seconds - think about if I could imagine having a sexual relationship with her. Not with you though!” And this was meant as a

So, I was 14 and it’s not really negging since the people saying it to me were two blonde 12-year-old girls: “I think you are very pretty, but the prettiest princess always has to be blonde. That’s just how it is. You are very pretty for a person who is not blonde though”.

Yeah well, I also know a lot of people who converted at a certain age and still are very lovely people (my mom being one of them). But there are certain forms of extremely conservative religion that attract crazy people, and there are many people who just don’t fit in with anybody, who are a little off. But I also

“No” the lead man of the group said “We will pray.”

So, I am a muslim and I’ve known a lot of non-muslims who converted to Islam. I can tell you that almost ALL of them have been crazy before, and during, and even after they quit Islam (not all of them do that, but some do). My sister’s ex-husband was a shitty and crazy human being while christian, he was shitty and


Ah yes, you are right. It didn’t bother me in the movie, but come to think of it: definitely right.

These people... really!! And here is the “fun” part: I know a lot of fundamentalist muslims, those that condone violence and those that don’t (both exist). Religious extremism has made my life (in younger years) rather hard, so I am not a fan, absolutley not. Still, I can tell you that most fundamentalist groups are

And since Locke was ONLY his acting, I loved the movie ;) But I get what you’re saying ;)

This is - I believe - a very educated guess, and most likely going to happen. Also, this is the reason why I think, being sort of a religious person myself, that religion and state power don’t mix well, because opportunist religious people are the worst.

I always wonder what those people might do/feel, if they once experienced REAL discrimination or even real persecution...

I hear ya!

Now playing

I am going to shamelessly use this article and post all my favourite Tom Hardy-things here:

He is the ABSOLUTE BEST! Also, to all the haters (of whom I don’t see any here, so it’s not directed at you guys):