
You have to watch the whole movie - brilliant acting! Also: front nudes ;)

But no STD’s, right?

EXACTLY! It’s just so weird... so I am of Afghan heritage, and Afghans constantly make fun of Indians for being “black” and “ugly”. And we look almost alike!!! And don’t ask me about what Afghans think about black people...

So, here is my truth about being gay/seeing two men or two women getting married: even as a child (and I grew up in the 80s and 90s where making fun of “effiminate” men was - unfortunately - totally “okay”), I never understood how people could hate other people just for being gay. One of my classmates came out as gay

Unfortunately, you are absolutely right. I know a lot of brown people (of Asian origin), who are absolutely racist when it comes to black people. And not even mildly racist. Like, the whole “those people look like monkeys and black skin is ugly”-kind of racist. WHILE THEIR OWN SKIN IS ALMOST AS DARK AND THEY FACE

I just came to say that I LOVE this section and it gives me a warm feeling inside, reading all those horrible stories. Also, it gives me the creeps, because what kind of people are they??? But thank you so much for this, it’s a thing of beauty!

Uh yeah, please make that a thing!!!

Also, it only works if you TRULY repent, not if you plan on repenting on your death bed... (that’s how I understood it...)

The muslim answer would be: if he didn’t repent, he would go to hell forever. If he repented, he will be punished for ages to come, but in the end will be forgiven and end up in heaven. Not saying that this is what happens, just that this is the muslim answer to that particular question...

I will totally tell my little daughter that there are bad people looking to harm her. It’s not her fault, but she just has to be aware. I will also tell her, to completely protect her from strangers, she has to stay inside a well-guarded high-security building, forever. And I will tell her, that such a place usually

Thank you for this!! To add: there are ways to minimize the risk of being raped. Not taking those “precautions” (which can also completely fail to work!) doesn’t mean you are neglectful, or responsible when it happens to you. Why? BECAUSE RAPE IS NO FORCE OF NATURE BUT A CONSCIOUS CHOICE BY ONE PERSON, namely: the

Concerning “revealing clothes”: you can immediately detect how wrong this assumption is, if you take into account that “revealing” can mean so many different things. For example: I’ve been to Saudi Arabia and if you don’t wear a hijab there, it is considered “revealing”. And it FEELS pretty revealing, since everybody

But actually, no. Our car’s air conditioning continues for 30 minutes after you turned off the car, completely. It uses some rest energy of something (don’t ask me, not a car person) but I can confirm that sitting in it for half an hour, even when it’s hot outside, is no big deal. After those 30 minutes, however, it

I am no goddess though...

I never had any guy friends in school, I was a rather good student, but I always thought I would’ve participated more if I hadn’t been so afraid of boys and their bullying.

I can do that for you ;)

Uh, thank you so much for this. I had almost the same thing (I think, not as severe as you did) and I was terrified by the thought to always pee my pants from now on. LUCKILY it went back to being almost normal, it’s widened though (it was very tight before, to this is almost a good thing) and I am afraid of how it

Thank you for this important interview. It shows that poverty is almost always the reason for human rights violations. A person who is hungry does a lot of things they would never dream of doing, if they were fed.

oh my god, you just gave my life new purpose with this gif, it’s so awesome!!!

As a “minority” myself, I have been getting stupid and offensive shit from a lot of well-meaning people. Some people are just so privileged that they cannot even begin to understand anything else. They are blind to anything but their own lives. But still, I always regarded their efforts as “well, at least they tried”,